Democrats Planned Financial Collapse Conspiracy? MSM’s Are MIA In America?

George Soros.  The man that nearly caused the financial collapse of the Bank of London.  The one that caused the devaluation of the pound sterling.  The one that tried to collapse the financial markets in Asia.  A man wanted in France for charges of financial manipulation.  The man that has been welcomed with open arms by the Democratic Party of America.  The man behind the “Shadow Party”, in collusion with the Demcracy Alliance in America; the one dreaming of an “Open Society” in the World.  And when George Soros speaks….everyone listens.  What?  The man that devalued Halliburton by utilizing to send out “bad” messages about the company Dick Cheney was connected to before he became Vice President.  By doing so the shares of Halliburton “devalued” to barely worth the paper the stocks were printed on.  Then what did George Soros do?  He bought MILLIONS of shares of Halliburton and made MILLIONS off the backs of Americans.  So why hasn’t our own government, the SEC the FEC and the Department of Justice looked into this man; the one that poured millions of dollars into Barack Obama’s campaign?  The one that has manipulated donations and bundled donations so that Millions poured into Obama’s campaign.  “Virtual” and “disposable” credit cards; untraceable from overseas donors that contriubted less than $200.00 to “stay under the radar”… BUT by the millions…..

A man that literally came “out of nowhere” trained by radicals in Cloward-Piven strategy at the Industrial Areas Foundation.  Who sent you?  Who do you answer to?  Where are the MSM’s in all of this? Paid off; or threatened by whomever to remain BIASED toward Obama.  No vetting process, no muckraking into his background, no birth certificate, no records of college, no truthful Selective Service registration, etc. Multiple lawsuits now challenging Article II of our Constitution as to whether Obama is actually a US citizen and is “eligible” to even be POTUS.  Where is the outrage?  Where are Americans that question his very being….his roots, his records from Occidental, Columbia, Harvard Law School?  No one can find one review done by Obama while at Law School, yet they made him the “President of the Harvard Law Review”?? How did that come about?  Now we find his Selective Service records are forged? Have Americans lost their brain cells or are we actually as some say being manipulated by NLP?

Okay so now I have given some insight to Soros and Obama.  Now Paulson.  The one that “developed and persisted” in coming out with a three page document from the White House stating all of a sudden our financial markets will collapse without an enormous/obscene amount of money.  What?  The one who has made over 70 trips to China and already has made millions of dollars off the backs of Americans by “hedging” the financial collapse of the American housing market through the Chinese markets!  What company was the FIRST to be bailed out?  Goldman Sachs.  Does anyone even know that Paulson used to be the CEO of Goldman Sachs?  The one that worked at Goldman Sachs, a definitely Democrat supporting corporation.  Paulson gave Obama a “heads up” before the meeting at the White House about the financial catastrophe facing Americans.  So Obama knew the “ins” and “outs” of the financial mess before being called to the White House for the meeting with Congress and President Bush. Guess that is what Obama meant by being in constant contact “by phone.”  McCain was kept totally in the dark about any information before this “meeting.”  Do you want to know why this meeting turned “ugly”?  Pelosi literally turned her talking points “time” over to Obama and he made it sound like he was already President and what his policies to correct the problem would be.  So you can understand now why the Repubicans were upset and the meeting turned “ugly.”   Does anyone connect the dots yet? 

America…..LISTEN UP!  It was not the Republicans that started and added to this financial crisis… was the DEMOCRATS!  When the regulators brought before Congress the failures and corruption within Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Barnie Frank, Maxine Waters, Chris Dodd, Chuck Schumer and Rep. Meeks basically told the regulator that there was “Nothing wrong with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac” and that they were working to give the “dream of all Americans” the possibility of owning a home.  Even Barack Obama represented ACORN in a lawsuit of CITIBANK, who at the time refused to give loans to those that actually could not afford a mortgage.  Guess who won?  ACORN and Obama.  CITIBANK, the current “bailout” issue.  Fannie Mae, Freddie MAC, CITIBANK…..all connnected to “bad paper mortgage loans”……Republicans, including John McCain tried to voice concern in Congress back in 2004; yet he was literally shut down by Democrats and even some Republicans over the housing issue.  Who do they have in charge of the bailouts???  BARNEY FRANK!  Talk about the fox guarding the hen house!

The Cloward-Piven strategy started over a decade ago; bent on causing financial collapse of the USA. It is a strategy to bankrupt the “Capitalist” form of government and usher in “Socialism”. It started back in 1997 through the Clinton Whitehouse.  Even Bill Clinton voiced the fact that he was aware of the issue of mortgages being given to those who really could not afford them.  “I should have done more….looking into the mortgage loans.”  NOW he says that?  Should Americans be concerned that Obama has named a good majority of the Bill Clinton economic team to head his economic team?

Rahm Emanuel wrote a book back in 2006, called “The Plan”.  I suggest Americans read it.  “Universal Civilian Service”, “Universal Healthcare”, “Universal Retirement Plan”.  Almost mirrors the speeched we heard from Barack Obama during his Presidential Campaign.  Will Emanuel be the “new” Dick Cheney?  The “man behind the man”?  The “Universal Civilian Service” chapter talks about mandatory “Civilian Service” for all 18 to 25 year old to do three months of training and be “available for disasters”. Now the Democrats in Congress are looking into seizing our 401k’s and turning them into GRA (Government Retirement Accounts) making it mandatory that Americans contribute 5% of their pay and only look at a 3% return on the money they sock into these GRA’s?  Emanuel’s plan of “Universal Retirement”.   Obama stated at the Weslyan College commencement the words of “Some of you will go into corporate jobs, but I hope you will go into community service instead.”  What did he mean?  Did anyone question him as to why a graduate would not like to join Capitalism and hold a job in a corporation instead of holding a less income “Community Service” job instead?  HR393; a bill introduced by Charlie Rangel, a Democrat that states mandatory National Service for those 18 to 42 years old.  Wording that sounds almost like a draft.  Wording of “during wartime” that can easily be struck out before being brought before a vote in Congress. Brought in January of 2007; adding 2 cosponsors in March 2007; it has not died, just tabled until a date determined by the Speaker of the House (Pelosi).   Remember that magic number of 60 the Democrats are trying to obtain? 

Unions that have “outpriced” themselves.  Workers earning $75.00/hour vs. a non-union worker at $35.00/hour.  Who would you hire?  Now we find out through some workers program in the Unions that laid-off Union workers earn $31.00/hour just to “sit on their hands.”  While other Americans try to figure out how they are going to feed their families, pay their mortgages, power bills, etc.; “laid off” Union workers earn $31.00/hour.  Amazing!  The heavy Socialism Unions of the AFL-CIO, SEIU and AFSCME backed Obama’s presidential campaign with workers and money to push for his election.  I hear Andy Stern, the SEIU President is a possibility for Obama’s Secretary of Labor.  Where is the outrage America?

So now we have Soros manipulating the financial markets; the Cloward-Piven strategy over the housing markets to include banks and financial markets (Goldman Sachs, Citibank) over “bad paper” mortgage loans and the Unions backing and pricing the Auto industry of America right into the ground.  So why aren’t Americans outraged; why aren’t they marching on Washington with pitchforks and torches against a corrupt government?  Where are the MSM’s?  Are they truly MIA?  Are the “Fairness Doctrine” and the “Localism” bills the threats they have used to keep anything against or revealing anything “unfair” to Obama what gags the MSM’s from actually reporting the truth?

Will a new “Centrist Party” emerge after this mess; ones that are fed up with the two party system of corruption in Washington?  A Russian theorist yesterday stated that the United States may end up in six regions by the end of 2009.  Why would he say such a thing?  Could it be that China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Japan may just “call in their loans” to the US?  Would our government pay them with land instead of cash since our dollar is so devalued? And America is predicted to default on their loans between foreign countries next year.   Will the Pacific “region” end up under the regulation of China?  Would our Atlantic “region” be under the regulation of Russia?  It is a scary thought, but not without merit.  It is time the Americans raised their voices and be heard!  To leave our livelyhoods under the care of a possible Socialism takeover of America should have every American outraged; but does it?

Me?  I am just a sneaker-clad mother of five that lives in the woods. I am intelligent enough to pay attention to the news from ALL sides and to investigate what I don’t understand or what alarms me about our own government.  Being a mother, I know BS when I hear it or see it.  After all I have been the “President” of my household for a long time.

IF Americans don’t stand up and question our government about its practices; both good and bad, who will? I even blogged recently that I want to be President in 2012; and what I believe in as good policy and positions in government.  Some will disagree; some will agree, but I have put my “two cents” in. How about you? 

I hear Texas is the only state in the “Union” that can legally secede from the United States of America.  They are a self-sufficient state and can survive on their own.  As each day passes and I see what has been revealed and what has been hidden; Texas looks better every day. 

I am a patriot first and foremost.  I will defend the United States from enemies both foreign and domestic; however I will not accept Socialism as a form of government.  I will not accept my government telling me what I can and cannot do.  I thought the Government was supposed to work for us; not the other way around. I have always been a law abiding citizen, but I do draw the line of the government invading my “Rights and Freedoms.” 


Gadsden Flag

Gadsden Flag

Addendum:  Since writing this blog, I have discovered another Democratic “prowess” move to enhance someone’s hubby’s fortune.  Nancy; say it isn’t so!
I read this comment on a Thomas Sowell blog about the “big Jolt” BHO has in store for us by buying interest in all the major corporations and using the economic crisis to manipulate the American public into backing the coming “bailouts” of selected companies to usher in the socialization of our country. Once the government owns a piece of the business, then they can strong arm them to back any pet project they want and gain personal profit as the cherry on top. I thought these comments were quite interesting.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s home district includes San Francisco. Star-Kist Tuna’s headquarters are in San Francisco , Pelosi’s home district.

Star-Kist is the major employer in American Samoa employing 75% of the Samoan workforce. Paul Pelosi, Nancy ‘s husband, owns $17 million dollars of Star-Kist stock.

In January, 2007 when the minimum wage was increased from $5.15 to $7.25, Pelosi had American Samoa exempted from the increase so Del Monte would not have to pay the higher wage. This would make Del Monte products less expensive than their competition’s.

Last week when the huge bailout bill was passed, Pelosi added an earmark to the final bill adding $33 million dollars for an “economic development credit in American Samoa.” This scored big for her backers and her personal fortune.

Pelosi has called the Bush Administration “CORRUPT.” How do you spell “HYPOCRISY?”

Anyone think this should be disseminated to the American public?  Will YOU hear about this on the MSM’s?

Published in: on November 26, 2008 at 1:12 pm  Comments (1)  

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  1. Whew! You give a lot to think about. Am wondering where you got the Soros info?

    Certainly Dems are in on the sordid plan, i agree, but you go too easy on the Rs here!

    Did you hear of the rare closed door session of Congress this past March – the one they are sworn to secrecy about and which was probably an update on the coming (manufactured) economic crisis of Sept 2008.

    What a bunch of heisters! (Kucinich declined to attend the secret meeting but may be part of their script all the same. YouTube has interview vids where he discusses it.)

    Am linking to this post at Stars Over Washington, just so ya know.

    Well, thanks much for your post – if only all Americans would pay such close attention to the ongoing coup of ‘our’ government.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours, jude

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