Obama’s Chief Foreign Policy Advisor Zbigniew Brezinzski AND Obama’s Connections To The CFR/Trilateral Commission(Soros, Brezinzski and Rockefeller). Plans For America?

First:  Watch This Video In Its Entirety. 

Then add this video about the CFR’s Control Over The Media: 

Look at the list of those (corporations and people) that belong to the CFR:



Video from Whole Truth Coalition
A two-part interview with Webster Tarpley describing the Obama phenomenon, the people behind it and their plans for the future. A must watch with brilliant historical insight and analysis. (Taped in late July 2008 )

Part One


Part Two:

Some have wondered HOW there could be such BIAS for Obama by the media….Now we know.

Joe Biden wanted to enter Darfur (Sudan) as soon as possible under “humanitarian aid”.  Now that Obama has been elected, WHERE is the coverage about Darfur today?  Is this the start of “The Plan” as Tarpley, the historian in the last videos speaks of?

Update: January 26, 2009

Obama on Al Arabiya

President Barack Obama presented a humble and conciliatory face of America to the Islamic world Monday in the first formal interview since he assumed office, stressing his own Muslim ties and shying away from any hint of belligerence even when asked if he could “live with” an Iranian nuclear weapon.

The interview with the Dubai-based Al-Arabiya Network was a dramatic piece of public diplomacy aimed at capitalizing on the new American president’s international popularity.

“I have Muslim members of my family. I have lived in Muslim countries,” Obama said, according to a White House transcript. “My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy.”

Read the rest here:


UPDATE:  January 28, 2009


Now this:

Report: Obama Launches U.S. Drive to Topple Mugabe

President seeks unprecedented U.S.-led diplomatic push to get tough new sanctions imposed against the Zimbabwe regime.

President Obama wants a fresh approach to toppling Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe and is discussing with aides an unprecedented, U.S.-led diplomatic push to get tough new UN sanctions imposed against the regime, The Times of London reported Wednesday.

During talks Obama has had with his top Africa advisers in recent weeks, the central idea they focused on was taking the issue of Zimbabwe before the UN Security Council, and for the first time, combine such a move with an intense diplomatic effort to persuade Russia and China not to block the initiative.

According to a senior aide present at the discussions, the goal of taking the issue of Zimbabwe to the Security Council would be to pass a series of “strong” sanctions, including a ban on arms sales and foreign investment. They also want to expand significantly the number of ruling Zanu-PF party officials subject to sanctions.

Last July, after Mugabe was accused of rigging the elections to stay in power, China and Russia, who have significant financial interests in Zimbabwe, vetoed moves to impose UN sanctions. Obama and his aides believe that, with the growing international outcry over conditions there and the devastating loss of life from the cholera outbreak, Beijing and Moscow can now be persuaded at the very least to abstain when the issue of sanctions comes to another vote.

It is predicated on China and Russia going along and this administration will certainly undertake a new round of constructive diplomacy with Russia and China on a whole range of options,” the aide told The Times. “It will depend on an arc of Obama diplomacy in the coming months.”


Published in: on January 25, 2009 at 11:05 pm  Leave a Comment  

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