Hang On To Your Wallets! Democrats Hidden Soros Slush Fund

Thanks to the heads up by Michelle Malkin on this one!

Democratic Platform’s Hidden Soros Slush Fund



(bold emphasis mine)

Buried in the 94-page document is a noble-sounding proposal to create a “Social Investment Fund Network.” The program would provide federal money to “social entrepreneurs and leading nonprofit organizations [that] are assisting schools, lifting families out of poverty, filling health care gaps, and inspiring others to lead change in their own communities.” The Democratic Party promises to “support these results-oriented innovators” by creating an office to “coordinate government and nonprofit efforts” and then showering “a series of grants” on the chosen groups “to replicate these programs nationwide.”

In practice, this Barack Obama brainchild would serve as a permanent, taxpayer-backed pipeline to Democratic partisan outfits masquerading as public-interest do-gooders. This George Soros Slush Fund would be political payback in spades. Obama owes much of his Chicago political success to financial support from radical, left-wing billionaire and leading “social entrepreneur” Soros. In June 2004, Soros threw a big fundraiser at his New York home for Obama’s Illinois Senate campaign. Soros and family personally chipped in $60,000. In April 2007, Obama was back in New York for a deep-pocketed Manhattan fundraising soiree, with Soros lurking in his shadow.

No doubt with Soros’ approbation (if not advice from the hands-on “progressive” activist or his advisers), Obama fleshed out his Social Investment Fund Network plan last December. In concert with his mandatory volunteerism pitch and $6 billion anti-poverty plan, Obama called for the creation of a “Social Entrepreneurship Agency” to dispense the funds in unspecified amounts. The agency would be a government-supported nonprofit corporation “similar to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting,” which runs public television. (And we’ve all seen how fair and balanced that lib-dominated, Bill Moyers-boosting private-public enterprise turned out.)

Obama cites the Harlem Children’s Zone, which provides after-school activities and mentors to children in New York, as an example of a program that should be funded. (HCZ’s former senior leader Shawn Dove is now an official at Soros’ Open Society Institute.) The problem with such initiatives, as Mitchell Moss pointed out in the Manhattan Institute’s City Journal several years ago, is that these private-public partnerships formed under the guise of economic renewal often become nothing more than fronts that coordinate “an enormous safety net for social services.” Private donations give the illusion of self-help and philanthropic independence, but in reality, the “clients”are never weaned from the teat of the welfare state.

Even more troubling is how the Democratic Party/Obama plan would siphon untold millions or billions of public tax dollars into the Soros empire without taxpayer recourse. Obama promises “accountability” measures to ensure the money is spent wisely. But who would assess effectiveness of the spending? Why, experts in the social entrepreneurship community, of course. Fox, meet henhouse.

Soros has donated some $5 billion of his fortune to left-wing nonprofit groups through the Open Society Institute — an institution committed to Soros’ militant ideology of toppling the “fascist” tyranny of the United States, which he says must undergo “de-Nazification” in favor of “justice.” The mob at Obama-endorsing MoveOn, purveyors of the “General Betray Us” smear against Commanding General, MNF-I, David Petraeus, is the most notorious Soros-backed political arm. But scores of other activist nonprofits have received Soros funding under the guise of doing nonpartisan “community” or “social justice” work — and it is exactly such leftist activist groups that would be first in line for the Democratic Party/Obama’s “social investment” seed money.

Point in case: ACORN. As I’ve reported before, Obama’s old friends at the Chicago-based nonprofit now take in 40 percent of their revenues from American taxpayers. They raked in tens of millions in federal antipoverty grants while some of their operatives presided over massive voter fraud and others were implicated in corporate shakedowns and mortgage scams across the country. Soros has donated at least $150,000 to the group, according to Investor’s Business Daily, and “heads a secretive rich-man’s club called ‘Democracy Alliance’ that has doled out $20 million to activist groups like ACORN.

Read the rest of the article here:



George Soros the “financial puppeteer” for the Obama campaign…..ACORN for the voter registrations from Mickey Mouse and DEAD people……

Is George Soros actually the “behind the scenes” director for the Obama Administration?

It seems like this might be a possibility.  Most nominations for cabinet positions by this Administration have some kind of ties to Soros or World Socialists or are avid United Nations supporters……

“Shadow Party”…….”Democracy Alliance”……both tied to George Soros.

Shadow Party network at link below:


Democracy Alliance network at link below:




The man that dreams of a One World Order……no borders…..no jails…….free love…..an “Open Society”


controls billions of dollars more in investor assets.

In 1979 Soros established the Open Society Institute (OSI), which serves as the flagship of a network of Soros foundations that donate tens of millions of dollars each year to a wide array of individuals and organizations that share the founder’s agendas. Those agendas can be summarized as follows:

  • promoting the view that America is institutionally an oppressive nation 

  • promoting the election of leftist political candidates throughout the United States 

  • opposing virtually all post-9/11 national security measures enacted by U.S. government, particularly the Patriot Act 

  • depicting American military actions as unjust, unwarranted, and immoral 

  • promoting open borders, mass immigration, and a watering down of current immigration laws 

  • promoting a dramatic expansion of social welfare programs funded by ever-escalating taxes 

  • promoting social welfare benefits and amnesty for illegal aliens 

  • defending the civil rights and liberties of suspected anti-American terrorists and their abetters 

  • financing the recruitment and training of future activist leaders of the political Left 

  • advocating America’s unilateral disarmament and/or a steep reduction in its military spending 

  • opposing the death penalty in all circumstances 

  • promoting socialized medicine in the United States 

  • promoting the tenets of radical environmentalism, whose ultimate goal, as writer Michael Berliner has explained, is “not clean air and clean water, [but] rather … the demolition of technological/industrial civilization” 

  • bringing American foreign policy under the control of the United Nations 

  • promoting racial and ethnic preferences in academia and the business world alike 

  • promoting taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand 

  • advocating stricter gun-control measures 

  • advocating the legalization of marijuana


One question for America to think about:

HOW MANY OF THE LISTED AGENDAS ABOVE HAS AMERICA HEARD OBAMA MOCK?  Will America see the Soros “agenda” come to fruition?

Time will tell……


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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Sooo, How to stop George Soros and his gang of billionairs? Exposing his agenda of “bring America down as he has other countries” seems to be in order.
    Bring SOROS/OBAMA out of the closet.
    Seems strange that they can’t come up with legitimate birth records plus all the other documentation to prove that Obama is actually qualified to be POTUS. Maybe we should be calling for the qualifications of billionaire George Soros (not his birth name)to be our “behind the curtain President of the United States of America” just like he always wanted to be. He’s 77 years old and pushing Obama to hurry and get on with stealing the wealth of America! Hurry Obama before George kicks off! It’s his life dream! And Obama is his “BOY”…in my opinion.

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