Trevor Loudon: A True AMERICAN Hero…..From New Zealand. Was FIRST To Expose Van Jones, and Communist/Radical Connections to Obama


Most of us that are now aware of the “octupus arms” of the Obama Administration FIRST got enlightenment from Trevor Loudon, a respected writer and an investigator from New Zealand.

Some of the information that Glenn Beck has exposed for all America to see actually comes from Trevor Loudon.

His blog:

Go there and look at the right side bar: It contains 82 files of Connections to Obama.

I have even posted his blogs, with Trevor’s permission, here.

Yesterday (9-6-09), Trevor was gracious enough to discuss the connections of Socialists, Communists, the SDS, the MDS, the Committee of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, the Communist Party of America, etc.

PLEASE take the time to listen to this audio.  Warning!  Clear your mouth of all food and drink before you listen to this.

The beginning of this audio is communication error….BUT stay with it for a bit and Trevor will join the newsradio show.  It is WELL WORTH YOU TIME TO LISTEN TO THIS….

Trevor Loudon discusses connections of the Far Left To Obama


Accolades and a medal of HONOR to Trevor for a job well done!



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