Obama’s Continuing Power Grab: Executive vs. Legislative Branch Constitutional Authority


Federal Mandates, Government agencies, Healthcare, Government regulations

Obama Power Grabs Threaten Our Democracy

By Fred Dardick

October 20, 2010


We have seen the executive branch use government regulations to take direct control of private industries including auto manufacturerseducational loanscommercial fishing and domestic energy production while Immigrations and Customs Enforcement officials provide de facto amnesty to illegal aliens by refusing to prosecute offenders.

Even with all of these successes, the Obama administration still reaches for more influence. The Department of Education is actively considering regulations that will give it control over the educational content taught all levels from kindergarten through graduate school and the Department of Interior is looking to take over millions of acres of privately owned land throughout the United States.

An isolated instance of failure by the administration can be found in the FCC where efforts to implement Net Neutrality regulations have been thwarted, not because of Republican resistance or the lack of a legal framework, but due to Democrat resistance that have made the issue so politically radioactive that even Obama hesitates to carry it out.

Of course this may change after the November elections. Obama has spent the last few months framing the argument that conservatives are trying to take the country “backwards” and he is the only one that can “save” us. Along with dilutions of grandeur in which he draws moral equivalence between his efforts to socialize America with Lincoln’s freeing of the slaves, Obama may well decide to continue with his efforts in spite of a Republican majority through Presidential decrees and additional government regulations, actions that Congress will be powerless to stop outside of impeachment.

Those 30+ Czars Didn’t Appear Out of Thin Air

Soros and the liberal elite had been planning the socialist transformation of America long before Obama ever made it to the national scene. They knew that a task so immense required a large team of dedicated operatives, many of whom could never pass Senate confirmation due to their radical backgrounds, to manipulate the chains of power outside of Congress and the public’s view.

It is this prior planning that explains how Obama found his 30+ czars so quickly. It may have seemed to the rest of us this was a rush project that seemingly took effect overnight, but in actuality the strategy behind and selection of the czars had in the works for a very long time.

The czars are designed to serve multiple purposes, one of which is to create redundancy in the halls of power that Obama could manipulate to implement his socialist agenda. With two chains of command through a cabinet Secretary and an unofficial czar, the President can easily switch his loyalties to reinforce the more radical viewpoint. It also makes it difficult for government officials to protect their departments from outside influence since Obama can selectively hand over department responsibilities to a more willing accomplice waiting in the wings.

The czars also create the perfect back channel of communication between the White House and outside organizations, in particular the Center for American Progress, a Soros front group that has made no secret of its activist agenda. While Americans would be rightly outraged if Cabinet members and their staff met regularly with socialist fanatics, no one in the main stream media bats an eye when Obama administration officials regularly meet with partisan lobbyists.

This is a Wakeup Call for Congress

While this problem started well before Obama was ever elected, executive branch power grabs have been taken to such an extreme under his leadership that they threaten the long term stability of our nation.

Congress must retake power from unelected bureaucrats, un-vetted czars, outside activist groups and an out of control President. Every government agency mandate must be carefully reviewed and rewritten to ensure unrestrained regulations can never again grow beyond the control of our elected representatives.

No branch of government should ever grow so powerful that it can act beyond its constitutional limits.

The separation of powers is the cornerstone of our democracy and it is Congress’s duty to preserve this most important of traditions for future generations of Americans.



Does Czar Cass Sunstein as well as Obama, Soros and the Socialists at the CAP think Americans really ARE Homer Simpsons?

Do THEY think Americans cannot think for themselves?

Will AMERICA send them a message on November 2nd?




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