Sen. Marco Rubio Challenges President & Senate Democrats On “Cut, Cap & Balance”


Excellent speech from Florida Senator Marco Rubio.

“Substantial and credible debt agreement to CUT THE DEFICIT”

“STOP growing the deficit and then how we start reducing it”

~~Moody’s credit rating on the U.S.

Pay attention from 5:00 min to end of video.

H/T Trevor Loudon


**Update:  The Senate voted down Cut, Cap and Balance 51-46 down party lines that Sen. Rubio was speaking about in the video***

So the Democrats voted AGAINST fixing our deficit and cap the spending (Budget)…..WHERE is their plan?

MONTHS without a budget with Democrats controlling the Senate and the White House…….yet the Republicans are the “bad guys”……


Boehner Ends Debt-Limit Talks With White House, Turns to Senate Leaders

July 22, 2011


“The White House moved the goal post,” Boehner said Friday evening in a news conference, claiming that the talks broke down when the White House demanded an additional $400 billion in new revenues, on top of the $800 billion that had been agreed on — “which was going to be nothing more than a tax increase on the American people,” Boehner said.

“They refused to get serious about cutting spending and making the tough choices that are facing our country on entitlement reform,” he added.

Boehner’s comments followed Obama’s comments at a hastily arranged news conference in the White House briefing room.

“It’s hard to understand why Speaker Boehner would walk away from this deal,” a visibly irritated Obama said. “This was an extraordinarily fair deal.


There was a discussion about a potential trade of tax revenue for health care if spending targets weren’t reached.

“There needed to be something on the other side of the ledger,” the GOP aide told Fox News, adding that administration officials wanted to make this “onerous” if they were unable to reach the spending reduction goals, calling it “shared sacrifice.”

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said in a statement, “it’s disappointing that the talks with the White House did not reach a favorable conclusion, and I appreciate the speaker insisting on reduced spending and opposing the president’s call for higher taxes on American families and job creators.”

“As I’ve said before, it’s time now for the debate to move out of a room in the White House and on to the House and Senate floors, where we can debate the best approach to reducing the nation’s unsustainable debt,” McConnell said.


**Emphasis added**


To Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid:

It is NOW 4th down with 8 yards yet to go; do you CARRY the ball and work to get a budget in order to STOP spending and pay down our debt……… OR will YOU PUNT?


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