
**Personal note by Romanticpoet:  What this man DID was wrong/heinous in his actions.  However: Did HE feel no-one would listen or REFUSED to listen?

IS THIS is a true case for the death penalty or Mental Incapacitation treatment?.***


**WATCH the Video FIRST (Suggest watching full screen); then answer questions after it***

Norwegian bombing and shooting suspect Anders Behring Breivik is believed to have posted the following 12-minute video to YouTube just prior to the attacks, which claimed 93 lives.

The video, titled “2083 — A European Declaration of Independence” features a series of slides claiming Europe has become a slave to multiculturalism and is being overrun by Muslims. With the charge, “Onward, Christian Soldiers!“ the video urges viewers to ”Support the Resistance!“ and be a part of the ”Infidel Revolution” to banish Islam from Europe. The end includes images of Breivik dressed in a formal military uniform and in a wet suit pointing an assault rifle.

Breivik is also believed to have written a 1,518 page manifesto of the same title. An unverified copy of the manifesto can be viewed on this site here.



1.  Ideology of a Madman OR one that was upset with Islamo-Socialism in Norway?

2.  Creeping Sharia is overtaking Europe.  What are your thoughts about creeping Sharia in America?

3. What was the “trigger” that set him off?  Increased taxation on his farming business? Regulations in excess toward his business? Political correctness (Muslims/Sharia)?

4.  To Liberals viewing this:  Do YOU believe that ANDERS BEHRING BREIVIK deserves the death penalty?





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  1. I can see a lot to agree with but he looses me when it comes to killing kids or blaming jews,

    Self appointed elites have attacked the middle and lower classes in European countries and destroyed the family, religion and prioritised every minority over the majority will.

    He’s still just a murderer.

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