WHO is writing Foreign Policy for Obama? WHY are so many US dollars going to Palestinians?



From Weasel Zippers:

Obama Seeks Waiver To Fund U.N. Agency Congress Defunded Over Recognition of “Palestine”…

This is apparently one of Obama’s top priorities.

(CNSNews.com) – The State Department budget request for fiscal year 2013 includes $4.1 billion for contributions to the United Nations and other international bodies. Among the intended recipients is the U.N’s cultural agency, which lost U.S. funding in FY2012 after it became the first U.N. agency to grant full membership to “Palestine.”

The budget request released Monday includes $79 million for the Paris-based U.N. Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

UNESCO’s funding was cut last November in line with U.S. legislation that denies funds to any U.N. body “which accords the Palestine Liberation Organization the same standing as member states.”

Thomas Nides, the State Department’s deputy secretary for management and resources, told a briefing Monday that President Obama wanted waiver authority that would allow the U.S. to continue supporting UNESCO in the future.

“We have put the money in the budget, realizing that we’re not going to be able to spend the money unless we get the waiver – and we have made it clear to the Congress we’d like a waiver,” he said.

Senior Republicans warned the administration last fall not to look for ways around the law.

“Any effort to walk back U.S. law would send the damaging message that the U.S. will keep paying for U.N. bodies no matter what they do,” Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said at the time.



Is Obama Skirting our Congress again through this action?

Now Obama ‘greening’ Hamas? One hundred million dollars for ‘environmentally, socially sustainable’ Palestinian buildings

February 13, 2012

By Aaron Klein

JERUSALEM — Just one week after the Palestinian Authority entered into a unity government with Hamas, the U.S. announced the continuation of a $100 million, five year program to construct “environmentally and socially sustainable” buildings for the Palestinians.

The website for the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem posted the plans, which include a community center and school to be built to meet “stringent third-party-verified ‘green’ certification standards.”

Already, the U.S. Agency for International Development, which is funding the projects, constructed the Safeer Center, a West Bank child care program, one of the first of the U.S.-funded Palestinian “green” buildings to open.

“Its energy-efficient insulation (visible through a small cutout), rainwater collection system and temperature-regulating window shades provide a healthy facility for more than 3,000 children,” boasts the U.S. consulate site.

“These and others provide models for efficiency in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, where the mostly imported energy is expensive,” the site added.

The consulate website reported that the Obama administration’s “green” initiative in the Palestinian-inhabited neighborhoods was at first met with some skepticism by the local population.

States the site: “At first, some occupants question maintenance costs, but ‘green’ technology often uses simple systems and sometimes forgotten designs, such as Middle Eastern courtyards, which provide natural ventilation. Made of local materials, the buildings create jobs and healthier communities.”

The U.S. government announcement referred to the West Bank and Gaza as “Palestinian Territories,” even though both are officially disputed territories under international law.


The U.S. “green” program was initiated in 2010. Yesterday’s announcement of the continuation of U.S. finding for the project follows the signing of a unity deal between the Hamas and Fatah factions.

PA President Mahmoud Abbas, of Fatah, will serve for the time being as both president and prime minister while the unity government prepares for fresh elections later this year.

The deal also paves the way for Hamas’ so-called security forces to be paid via a PA salary. The U.S. is the largest donor to the PA.

Days after the unity deal was signed, Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of the Palestinian movement in Gaza, announced during a trip to Iran that Hamas would never acknowledge the Israeli state or give up its “resistance” operations.

“They (West) want from us to stop resistance and acknowledge Israel but I herewith announce that this will never happen,” Haniyeh said though an interpreter at a ceremony marking the 33rd anniversary of the 1979 Iranian revolution.

“Our message and the message of all those who lost their blood in the Palestinian lands is that all occupied lands will eventually be liberated from Israeli occupation,” Haniyeh said.

Keep reading here………


WHO is talking in Obama’s ear about the Palestinians and the Israelis?  Rashid Khalidi? Samantha Power? Both are Anti-Israel and Pro-Palestinian statehood.

Samatha Power (one of Obama’s foreign policy advisors), is married to Obama Czar Cass Sunstein and is close friends to Mary Robinson who sponsored the first Durban conference (anti-Israel).

Obama even garnished Mary Robinson with a Medal of Freedom.  Read about Mary Robinson HERE……

Obama CANNOT claim ignorance or even a misstatement on Middle East foreign policy.



Fatah Run Palestinian TV Glorifies EVIL

Hamas strongman in Gaza rejects unity deal with Fatah party

The Muslim Brotherhood “Project” for Israel and America

Will U.S. Jewish Voters Continue to Support Obama? If So Why? Read and THINK….


Don’t think an American MSM can show blatant bias?





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  1. […] WHO is writing Foreign Policy for Obama? WHY are so many US dollars going to Palestinians? […]

  2. […] WHO is writing Foreign Policy for Obama? WHY are so many US dollars going to Palestinians? […]

  3. […] WHO is writing Foreign Policy for Obama? WHY are so many US dollars going to Palestinians? […]

  4. […] WHO is writing Foreign Policy for Obama? WHY are so many US dollars going to Palestinians? […]

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