Trevor Loudon: An Urgent Message for America: Please Help This Go Viral. **PLUS**ALLEN WEST: Peace Through Strength



Trevor Loudon: An Urgent Message for America

October 19, 2012

By Trevor Loudon

New Zeal

I recorded this video a couple of weeks ago. It is my message to America. In it, I attempt to explain the global implications of the upcoming US elections.

This election is the most crucial in modern American history. It is not primarily about jobs and economics, it is about national security and, to be blunt, national survival.

America, and indeed the entire Western World, faces destruction if communist sympathizer Barack Obama is returned to office.

This video is being distributed all over the United States. Please watch it, and if you agree with the basic ideas expressed, send it out through your networks, to as many people as you can, conservative, liberal, undecided, it doesn’t matter.

Sometimes it takes an outside view to clarify important matters. I hope this message will serve that purpose.

From a very grateful New Zealander.

Link to video



Vetting Obama 2012: Obama and the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism


The Russians and American Progressives: Together Again




The Canter Family – From Soviet Propaganda, Frank Marshall Davis, David Axelrod and Barack Obama to Cyber Revolutionary


Independent Voters of Illinois-Independent Precinct Organization and Ties to Both Obamas


Additional Reading:

Barack Obama and the Enemies Within

by Trevor Loudon

A history about those who advise, mentor, and operate behind the throne of the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama. From early childhood to the present day the President chose to keep his personal life a secret. Those who surround him fall into a wide category of radicals, marxists, communists, and Americans who have joined together in a coordinated effort to overthrow capitalism and the Republic of the United States of America.

**Includes footnotes, references and documents for verification**


ALLEN WEST:  Peace Through Strength

Link to Video




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  1. Sending to all those who are ignorant and oblivious (nearly everybody).

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