Is the Syrian Conflict Evidence a “Slam Dunk”….OR….a “Wag the Dog” for Obama? **UPDATED 09/05/13, 09/06/13**



Watching the plays by both sides; Syria on one side….Obama on the other.

Taking a step back and actually LOOKING at evidence from both sides:


One can proclaim Assad is a despot; rules by fear and intimidation.  His family has had rule over Syria for decades.  But why are we so upset with him now?

Assad claims he DID NOT use chemical weapons against people.  Assad even let U.N. inspectors in to look around.  The REPORT from the U.N. has not even been released yet.

Assad is just fighting the “Freedom Rebels” which contains a mix the Muslim Brotherhood and al Qaeda.

The following videos are of the “People” President Obama is supporting……

These are the “Freedom Fighter” in action:  18++** Warning very graphic videos**

Push play under your own volition

Link to video


Link to video


Do you find it interesting that Secretary of State John Kerry speaks about the atrocities in Syria and about Assad…….YET a few years ago, in 2009, John Kerry and his wife Theresa Heinz Kerry had an intimate dinner with Assad and his wife?



If you would do a little research about the Syrian chemical weapons attack you find this:

Evidence: Syrian Rebels used Chemical Weapons (not Assad) **UPDATED**

August 27, 2013

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack

Walid Shoebat Former Muslim Brotherhood
Member Now Peace Activist


Recent news of a chemical weapons attack in Syria smacks of desperation. The question comes down to who is most desperate right now, the Assad regime or the Muslim Brotherhood rebels? Consider that since June, Assad’s forces have been winning. According to a CBS News report from last month, victories for the rebels had become “increasingly rare” and that the Muslim Brotherhood-backed opposition fighters were sustaining “some of their heaviest losses” near Damascus.

You are here: Home > Evidence: Syrian Rebels used Chemical Weapons (not Assad)

Evidence: Syrian Rebels used Chemical Weapons (not Assad)

by  on August 27, 2013 in BlogGeneral
By Walid Shoebat and Ben BarrackRecent news of a chemical weapons attack in Syria smacks of desperation. The question comes down to who is most desperate right now, the Assad regime or the Muslim Brotherhood rebels? Consider that since June, Assad’s forces have been winning. According to a CBS News reportfrom last month, victories for the rebels had become “increasingly rare” and that the Muslim Brotherhood-backed opposition fighters were sustaining “some of their heaviest losses” near Damascus.Saudi Chemicals in hands of Syrian RebelsThe New York Times echoed this sentiment, even saying that before gaining the upper hand, concerns were that Assad would use chemical weapons; he did not.In fact, even before Assad’s forces gained the momentum, a UN official reportedly found evidence of rebels using chemical weapons but no evidence Assad’s regime did. This, from a Washington Times article by Shaun Waterman dated May 6, 2013:

Testimony from victims strongly suggests it was the rebels, not the Syrian government, that used Sarin nerve gas during a recent incident in the revolution-wracked nation, a senior U.N. diplomat said Monday.

Carla del Ponte, a member of the U.N. Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria, told Swiss TV there were “strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof,” that rebels seeking to oust Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad had used the nerve agent.

But she said her panel had not yet seen any evidence of Syrian government forces using chemical weapons, according to the BBC, but she added that more investigation was needed. {emphasis ours}

Today, while the rebels are more desperate than they were at the time of that article, evidence of rebels using chemical weapons is available; evidence Assad’s regime has used them is not.

Waterman wrote…

Rebel Free Syrian Army spokesman Louay Almokdad denied that rebels had use chemical weapons.

Back in March, we chronicled evidence of chemical weapons being used by the Syrian rebels. Unfortunately, since google terminated Theodore’s YouTube account, most of the videos in that post have been deleted and have been more than a little difficult to find.

Running concurrent with the tide that turned in Assad’s favor a few months ago was another defeat for the Muslim Brotherhood – in Egypt. That defeat has been taking place ever since Mohammed Mursi was ousted on July 3rd. So why would Assad use chemical weapons now and not months ago, when his situation was much more precarious?

As the Associated Press was reporting that the U.S. is moving ships closer to Syria in response to the alleged chemical weapons attack, Reuters reported that Assad’s army found chemical weapons in tunnels that had been used by the rebels, according to Syrian state television.

Oxford University historian Mark Almond granted Russia Today an interview and explained both why western nations are so willing to blame Assad and why rebels would have a motive to murder their own people. In response to a question about why the U.S., the U.K., and France appear so eager to blame Assad, Almond said:

“Western governments… want to say ‘Gotcha’. They have been demanding the fall of Assad for more than two-and-a-half years now and it has become increasingly frustrating that his regime has shown much more resilience than they had expected, despite the resources that they and the Gulf Kingdoms have thrown into the war on the other side.

It is also like a distraction from the embarrassment of Egypt, where we see the European and the US governments basically using weasel words to avoid any kind of condemnation of a massacre in the streets of Cairo. So there are both the specifics of Syria and the context of what is going on elsewhere in the Arab world, especially in Egypt.”

Almond gives a very interesting answer to the question about why the rebels would intentionally gas their own people:

“We do have some very radical groups who would no doubt say, as they have when they have been challenged about using suicide bombers, killing innocent people, that God will recognize his own when the dead die, that he will save for heaven the justified victims and just send to hell the wicked supporters of Assad. So it is not impossible that somebody has staged this.

Consider that a man many of the Syrian rebels show the utmost of reverence for is the Muslim Brotherhood’s spiritual leader, Yusuf Al-Qaradawi. When writing about a Muslim tactic known as Muruna, Qaradawi expressed when it is acceptable for Muslims to kill fellow Muslims:

“…killing Muslims whom the unbelievers use as shields… leaving these unbelievers is a danger to the Muslims, so it is permissible to kill these unbelievers even if Muslims are killed with them in the process.” – The Case FOR Islamophobia, p. 56

Of course, if the rebels are desperate enough, Muruna could sanction the murder of their own people if it meant bearing false witness and a blood libel that would engage external forces that want Assad removed. As things stand today, the rebels are more desperate than is the Assad regime.

Specific examples include the staged death of twelve year-old Muhammad Al-Dura by Palestinians. Whether the child was used as a prop in a Palestinian blood-libel or was actually killed, he was clearly put in danger by Palestinians who shot at him as the news cameras rolled for a false report that aired on France 2. They wanted to blame the Israelis.

Earlier this month in Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood supporters were caught behaving as victims of oppression at the hands of the military. They might have gotten away with it if nothing but still shots were taken. Unfortunately for these miscreants, video was recorded that revealed a staged, mass display of despicable behavior.

MORE HERE with substantiating videos of Rebels loading chemical weaponized rockets (2nd video)

Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood rebels would never get away with launching chemical weapons and taking credit for it. They’d have to do so while blaming Assad. It’s straight out of the Nazi playbook and a violation of two major commandments – Thou shalt not murder and thou shalt not bear false witness. However, the Muslim Brotherhood, as usual, provides more evil spin. It bears false witness while committing murder in order to push an agenda.

Lying, bearing false witness, blood libel, and murder.

Yeah, that smells like the Brotherhood.

**UPDATE at 8:40am EST on August 31, 2013**

Associated Press reporter Dale Gavlak reports in MintPress news that firsthand accounts indicate that the Chemical weapons attack was the result of the rebels’ mishandling of them. According to Gavlak, the weapons came from Saudi Arabia’s Prince Bandar bin Sultan and were given to rebels who did not know what the weapons were or how to store them, nor were they trained how to use them. If these accounts are correct, the Obama administration – along with more than a handful of Republican congressmen – may be complicit in a blood libel.



Link to video

**WHO is Obama listening to?***


Obama congratulates American Muslims on same day he moves for military action against Syria

September 3, 2013


The congratulating American Muslimsvideo, aired Saturday at the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)annual convention, highlighting “the myriad of ways the American Muslim community, and specifically ISNA leadership, has served as an effective partner in promoting inter-religious initiatives in the U.S. and religious freedom for minorities around the world.” (PRNewswire-USNewswire, Aug. 31, 2013).

That is, of course, unless you happen to be a Christian in Syria, Egypt, Nigeria, Sudan, Pakistan, Iraq, Bangladesh, Somalia, Tanzania, Libya, Cameroon, the Netherlands, Kenya, Turkey, Algeria, Norway, Lebanon, Indonesia, the Philippines, Kosovo, South Africa, and even in the U.S., where on March 24, 2013, in Ashtabula, Ohio, a Muslim convert walked into a church service with a Koran and gunned down his Christian father while praising Allah. (TheReligionofPeace)

In heaping praise on the ISNA leadership, for the “myriad ways it has served as an effective partner in promoting inter-religious initiatives in the U.S. and religious freedom for minorities around the world”, Obama was following in the footsteps of his mentor Valerie Jarrett, who was the keynote speaker at the inaugural session of the 46th AnnualConvention of the ISNA, in 2009.  Citing Obama’s Cairo speech, Ms. Jarrett serves as a Senior Advisor and Assistant to Obama for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, had some interesting things to say about Obama and Muslim society.

Is it any wonder why Obama is trying to throw America in with al Qaeda in Syria in an attack on John Kerry’s dinner companion Bashar al-Assad?

“As this Convention demonstrates,” Jarrett told the gathering,  “gone are the days of describing distinct sets of ‘Muslim issues’ and American issues.‘  Your work here is crucial in confronting the challenges that all Americans are facing.  And you help advance the new beginning between the United State and Muslim communities around the world that the President called for in Cairo.” (Italics, CFP’s).

How are Iatter day ISNA conventions able to attract speakers like the President of theUnited States and his most influential advisor?

The possibilities are there because of world-renowned Evangelical leaders and top Catholic prelates like Pastor Rick Warren, ISNA guest speaker in 2009 and the Most Rev. Denis Madden, Chair,  Committee on Ecumenical and Inter-religious Affairs, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Saturday’s ISNA keynote speaker.

These are religious leaders who are putting their flocks at risk by ignoring the dangers of radical Islam, which even as Madden spoke were killing Coptic Christians in Egypt, and who have slaughtered little children with sarin gas in Syria.

Link to video

Meanwhile, the Obama arranged marriage of Marxism and Muslim is leading the world down a deadly path of increasing civilian death.

SOURCE: Canada Free Press


Those that have studied history have discovered the melding of Muslim Brotherhood…..AND….Hitler.

Amin al Husseini und Adolf Hitler


Al-Qaeda is a direct descendant of the Moslem-Nazi Alliance

Grend Mufti inspectin all moslem Handzar SS Division

Seen above is a certain Mohammad Amin al-Husayni, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and close personal friend to Adolf Hitler, inspecting the all-moslem Nazi Handzar SS Division, which he was instrumental in founding.

Founding of the Muslim Brotherhood

In the 1920s, an Egyptian school teacher, Hassan al-Banna, gathered discontent Muslims to found the Muslim Brotherhood.According to John Loftus, a former prosecutor with the US Justice Department, “Al-Banna formed this nationalist group called the Muslim Brotherhood. Al-Banna was a devout admirer of Adolf Hitler and wrote to him frequently.”Loftus adds that Al-Banna was so persistent in his “admiration of the new Nazi Party that in the 1930s Al-Banna and the Muslim Brotherhood became a secret arm of Nazi Intelligence. With the goal of the Third Reich to develop the Muslim Brotherhood as an army inside Egypt.”While initial growth of the Muslim Brotherhood was moderate, the organization’s membership rolls – coinciding with rising anti-Semitism in Europe — by August 1938 had swelled to more than two hundred thousand members. By the end of World War II the Muslim Brotherhood had around half a million members.

Al-Banna idealized death also preached a love of death.

“To a nation that perfects the industry of death and which knows how to die nobly, God gives proud life in this world and eternal grace in the life to come” and “We are not afraid of death, we desire it… Let us die in redemption for Muslims,” Al-Banna once wrote.

Does any of that sound familiar present day? Does “We love death more than you love life” ring a bell?

Direct contact with the Nazis

Another great admirer of Hitler was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Mohammad Amin al-Husayni, “went to Germany during the war and helped recruit an international SS division of Arab Nazis. They based it in Croatia and called it the Handzar Muslim Division, but it was to become the core of Hitler’s new army of Arab fascists that would conquer the Arabian Peninsula and, from there, on to Africa–grand dreams.”

(Source –


So AGAIN……why now is the Obama Administration so focused on sending Cruise missiles into Syria?

Syrians bombing Syrians IN Syria…….What is the logic?

The Sunnis, the Shia and the Ba’thists are ALL fighting each other WITHIN Syria.


The “Wag the Dog” of the Obama Administration?

President Obama is under intense scrutiny over Benghazi.  FOUR Americans were killed in Benghazi including Ambassador Chris Stevens and two Navy Seals.

Is President Obama’s focus on Syria utilized to deflect the Benghazi investigation?


Doing the Job the Liberal Biased/Obama Protectionist Media are NOT Doing. Benghazi, the ties from Libya, to Syria… al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood “Freedom Fighters”


America: IF the Obama Administration was Gun/Munitions Running from Libya and During 9/11 Attack the Benghazi Heroes Told to “Stand Down”…Thinks Four Americans were “Expendable”…How Does Obama View YOU? **UPDATES October 28, 2012**


Link to video


Obama picks foreign policy aide as Chief of Staff. WHO is Denis McDonough? Doing Research/Discovery We Find…AND connections to Benghazigate



First this:

August 27, 2013

Carney: U.S. Response In Syria ‘Not About Regime Change’

Link to video


Then on September 2, 2013 AFTER a meeting with President Obama

Link to video

“Degrade Assad’s capabilities and increase and upgrade the capabilities of the Free Syrian Army”……..




*UPDATE: September 5, 2013



Obama an Accessory to War Crimes in Syria?

alk show host Rush Limbaugh spent a significant amount of time on his show today entertaining the notion that the Syrian rebels may have been behind the Chemical weapons attack on August 21st. In particular, he referenced an article by Yossef Bodansky, which indicates that in addition to the rebels using Chemical weapons against their own people but that the White House quite possibly knew about it and let it happen. Really?

Yes, really.

Bodansky isn’t just some blogger either. His bio includes time as Director of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare for several years and is Director of Research of the International Strategic Studies Association, as well as Senior Editor for the Defense and Foreign Affairs.

Bodansky: Obama war crimes in Syria?

First, let’s see if we can answer a question. Is the Barack Obama administration so ideological that it would sacrifice innocent people to push its agenda?

An honest look at Operation Fast and Furious leads to an answer in the affirmative. This was an operation led by the ATF and supervised by Eric Holder’s Justice Department. ATF Agents required gun store owners to sell AK-47′s and other weapons to straw purchasers illegally. The guns were then trafficked into Mexico and given to drug cartels as the ATF Agents looked the other way. The result? Hundreds of dead Mexicans and at least one Border Patrol agent in Brian Terry.

The agenda is simple to understand but evil at its core. It was an attempt to create the culture for gun control. When weapons sold in the U.S. were recovered at crime scenes in Mexico, tighter regulations would be the result, to include a revived UN Assault weapons ban treaty. If innocent people had to die, it made no difference; there was a greater cause – gun control. Obama’s ideological hero put such tactics best:

“The end is what you want, the means is how you get it. Whenever we think about social change, the question of means and ends arises. The man of action views the issue of means and ends in pragmatic and strategic terms. He has no other problem; he thinks only of his actual resources and the possibilities of various choices of action. He asks of ends only whether they are achievable and worth the cost; of means, only whether they will work. … The real arena is corrupt and bloody.” – Saul Alinsky in Rules for Radicals, p. 24

Let’s apply this Alinsky standard to Syria. Based on Operation Fast and Furious, the Obama administration has established the precedent that innocent lives may be extinguished if it serves a greater good. Let’s ask another question. Is the Obama administration so ideological that it would allow Syrians to be murdered by rebels with Chemical Weapons if it would lead to the removal of Bashar al-Assad by framing the leader of Syria?

This brings us to Bodansky’s article. An important entity to keep in mind is the “Mukhabarat Amriki”. This is essentially a joint Intelligence task force made up of Turks, Qataris, and Americans:

On August 13-14, 2013, Western-sponsored opposition forces in Turkey started advance preparations for a major and irregular military surge. Initial meetings between senior opposition military commanders and representatives of Qatari, Turkish, and US Intelligence [“Mukhabarat Amriki”] took place at the converted Turkish military garrison in Antakya, Hatay Province, used as the command center and headquarters of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and their foreign sponsors. Very senior opposition commanders who had arrived from Istanbul briefed the regional commanders of an imminent escalation in the fighting due to “a war-changing development” which would, in turn, lead to a US-led bombing of Syria.

The opposition forces had to quickly prepare their forces for exploiting the US-led bombing in order to march on Damascus and topple the Bashar al-Assad Government, the senior commanders explained. The Qatari and Turkish intelligence officials assured the Syrian regional commanders that they would be provided with plenty of weapons for the coming offensive. {emphasis ours}

So, the Mukhabarat Amriki was briefed one week before the Chemical weapons attack on August 21st, that there would be “a war-changing development” which would lead to an attack on Syria by the U.S. That Syrian rebels were behind the August 21st attack squares with our findings last week. It also squares with the findings of AP writer Dale Gavlak, though her evidence points to rebels mishandling weapons provided to them by Saudi Intelligence Chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan. As bad as Gavlak’s findings are, Bodansky’s claims would be devastating if true.

Bodansky then writes about an “unprecedented weapons distribution” to rebel forces in Turkey’s Hatay Province between August 21-23. If this distribution was discussed in Mukhabarat Amriki meetings one week earlier, does it say anything about what attendees knew about future events, specifically on August 21st? Bodansky continues:

The descriptions of these meetings raise the question of the extent of foreknowledge of US Intelligence, and therefore, the Obama White House. All the sources consulted — both Syrian and Arab — stressed that officials of the “Mukhabarat Amriki” actively participated in the meetings and briefings in Turkey. Therefore, at the very least, they should have known that the opposition leaders were anticipating “a war-changing development”: that is, a dramatic event which would provoke a US-led military intervention. {emphasis ours}

Fast and Furious was about sacrificing innocent people to gun violence in the name of protecting them from gun violence. If Bodansky’s claims bear out, Chemical weapons being used in Syria could be about sacrificing innocent people to Chemical weapons in the name of getting justice for them by removing someone who didn’t do it so that the perpetrators who did, can rise to power.

Keep reading here………...




*UPDATE 9/6/13





By Billy Halowell

BEIRUT (TheBlaze/AP) — Are Christians in danger of increased persecution in Syria?

This is a question that TheBlaze explored in-depth on Thursday and one that many advocates and thought-leaders are posing. In light of the events that unfolded this week in the ever-contentious conflict, exploring the subject is paramount.

Following our initial report about the abuses against Christians at the hands of rebels, activists now say the Syrian government has dispatched reinforcements to a predominantly Christian village north of Damascus where rebels have clashed with regime troops this week.

The director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says the government forces sent to Maaloula include tanks and armored personnel carriers. Rami Abdul-Rahman says that they have taken up positions outside the village, which is still under the control of local pro-regime militias.

Al-Qaida-linked rebel factions (part of the Jabhat al-Nusra group) first attacked Maaloula on Wednesday, and briefly entered the mountainside sanctuary before withdrawing late Thursday. Abdul-Rahman said that the two sides were still skirmishing around the village on Friday.

The chaos was sparked earlier this week when an al-Nusra adherent blew himself up at the village’s entrance, sparking fighting that extended into Thursday in the surrounding mountain area. There are 3,300 residents in the village — and many of them speak Aramaic, the language believed to have been spoken by Jesus Christ.

Earlier this week, a nun told the AP on condition of anonymity that residents expect the Islamic militants to return to a local hotel that they captured — and then vacated. This, of course, would be potentially horrific, especially if Christians are further brutalized and forced out of the area. The government’s placement of reinforcements there would potentially stop such an occurrence from unfolding.

Keep reading here………..



CNN Caught Faking War Footage AGAIN, This Time in Syria


Sec. of State John Kerry testified about the atrocities of Assad with “images of thousands of bloodless shrouds”…….


Kerry abuses photograph from IRAQ<<<<====

Kerry using Iraq victims for Syria
Ketchup-Kerry abused a photograph from Iraq during his speech on Friday, August-30-2013. He claimed that the image displays the victims of the controversial chemical attack. But the picture, which was actually taken on March 27, 2003, shows a young Iraqi child jumping over dozens of white body bags containing skeletons found in a desert south of Baghdad.

But this was not the 1st time that this photograph was abused to blame Syria. In May 2012 the BBC abused exactly the same picture and claimed it shows the victims of the Houla massacre.
See here:





It is KNOWN that the Obama Administration, including Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice LIED about Benghazi blaming the deaths of FOUR AMERICANS on a “video”.

“At this point Senator, What difference does it make?” ~~~Hillary Clinton, then Sec. of State.


“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Joseph Goebbels quotes



Patriot throwing out dems and reps



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