Obama Website, National Endowment of the Arts Caught Making Devastating Political Gaffes



From The OBAMA FILE:  http://www.theobamafile.com/ObamaLatest.htm


Obama Website, NEA Caught Making Devastating Political Gaffes


DigitalJournal.com is reporting that last week, NEA Communications Director Yosi Sergent denied claims that emails asking artists to create Obama policy art originated from his NEA office.  They did.  And an Obama website now features a post that calls ObamaCare opponents “Heirs of bin Laden.” 


Last week, I reported here at Digital Journal on the politicizing of the National Endowment for the Arts via NEA Communications Director Yosi Sergent.  Mr. Sergent arranged a conference call on August 10th with the White House Office of Public Engagement, NEA and United We Serve to recruit artists to create art advocating controversial Obama Administration policies, including ObamaCare and Cap-and-Trade.


That news came from filmmaker/art consultant Patrick Courrielche via Brietbart’s Big Hollywood website.  Mr. Courrielce was a party to that call by invitation.  Mr. Sergent has since publicly denied any politicization of NEA, or that the invitations to that conference call originated from him or anyone else at NEA.  Mr. Sergent deferred all media inquiries to the Corporation for National and Community Service, from which Mr. Sergent claims the invitations originated.
Today, Mr. Courrielche is back at Big Hollywood with a new post, “Update: What The NEA Says vs. Documented Facts.”  In his new post, Mr. Courrielche not only refutes Mr. Sergent’s claims, he provides copies of two memos emailed directly to him, inviting artists to create new art promoting policies such as ObamaCare and Cap-and-Trade, that originated directly from Mr. Sergent’s office at NEA.to interview on the subject.
You can view those emails in .jpg format here and here.  Mr. Courrielche’s original claims of the politicization of the NEA at taxpayer expense in his first report at Big Hollywood have spread like wildfire, both across the Internet and in the media.  The Washington Post published a follow-up oped, “Art For Obama’s Sake: The NEA Pushes the White House Agenda.” Mr. Courrielche also appeared on FOX News
The new Big Hollywood piece contains samples of new art clearly promoting Obama’s controversial health care bill.  In short, if you read the memos, not only will it be very clear that those emails originated from NEA, but that the political nature of the memos themselves are indisputable.  Here are excerpts as proof:


“A call has come to our generation. A call from the top. A call from a house that is White.  A call that we must answer.  And to answer it, we need you.”


“President Obama is asking us to come together to help lay a new foundation for growth, focusing on core areas of the recovery agenda — health care, energy and environment, safety and security, education, community renewal.”



Many in the media and the blogosphere are starting to ask questions as to whether these memos and conference calls constitute violations of NEA’s charter, a key section of which reads as follows:


Established by Congress in 1965 as an independent agency of the federal government, the Endowment is the nation’s largest annual funder of the arts, bringing great art to all 50 states, including rural areas, inner cities, and military bases.


Meanwhile, over at the Obama website itself, the Gateway Pundit and Little Green Footballs blogs are reporting on a post by Organizing For America, the official website for promoting the ObamaCare bill, which contains the following shocking entry calling ObamaCare opponents the “heirs of bin Laden.” That post is also asking supporters to commemorate 9/11 by placing two phone calls, one to each caller’s two US Senators, in order to fight the “Right Wing Domestic Terrorists.” And that’s just for starters.
Here are some shocking excerpts direct from that Obama “Organizing For America” website post:

DEFEAT ANTI-DEMOCRATIC FORCES OF HATE WHO CONSPIRE TO REMAIN HEALTHY + WEALTHY WHILE THE PUBLIC LANGUISHES UNDER THE BURDEN OF OUR PRESENT HEALTH CARE SYSTEM. —* RECLAIM OUR LAND FROM THE HEIRS OF, YES: BIN LADEN *—* YOU KNOW IT’S TRUE *— In case you haven’t seen it in the News: Republican Representatives, Senators, GOP Party Leader, GOP Political Machine top personnel (e.g., Gingritch), etc etc etc — they’re ALL every one of them applauding and encouraging their zealot-horde by merrily referring to them as “Proud Right-Wing Terrorists”. Google it – I’m not pulling your leg. But don’t hate them: Misguided citizens are easy-pickings for demagogues, whom they blindly follow because they’ve been trained all their lives not to question the dogma of their religion, so it’s natural for them NOT TO QUESTION what’s being spoon-fed to them by their FALSE PROPHETS who, themselves, shamelessly seek Worldly Glory.They don’t apply the simple Test: “Am I being led closer to God, when I do what these folks say? – Or, am I on a Bullet-Train to the Devil, and I’m just a pawn to make these folks richer and more powerful?”




These far left loonies STILL DON’T GET IT!


Obama can “sugar coat” this…..lie till the cows come home and he will still be known to those of us considered Patriots for America……as the PRINCE OF LIES.

These loons also think WE are the “heirs of Bin Laden”???

Who was the one that went to EGYPT and said we basically “love the Muslim religion”?  Obama, since the FIRST day he took office has made America look WEAK in the eyes of the World.  His “apology” tour made America the laughing stock of all tyrants worldwide.

The ONLY way we, As Americans, will be the heirs of Bin Laden is for Obama to continue NOT sending troops to Afghanistan to end the terrorism in that area.  Withdrawing military support and NOT sending troops ASAP is basically abandoning the people of Afghanistan; leaving them to the terrorism of the Taliban and Al-Quaeda.

Obama has already BLINKED when confronted by Putin in Russia……leaving the citizens of Eastern Europe in a lurch to live in fear the Russian tanks will be on their doorstep in short order.











Published in: on September 1, 2009 at 9:40 am  Leave a Comment  

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