Congressional Democrat Caucus Gets Training on Using the Race Card AGAIN (Sigh) against Conservatives. Dems Choose ’60s Radical’s Daughter for Race Bait Training



From Breitbart:


By William Bigelow

In the latest transparent attempt by the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party to make the 2012 election a referendum on supposed racism and not Obama’s dismal performance, House Democrats received training this week on how to portray neutral free-market rhetoric as racially charged.

Maya Wiley of the Center for Social Inclusion, whose statements were distributed at a meeting of the House Democratic Caucus, cynically called conservative messages “racially coded … right-wing rhetoric has dominated debates of racial justice – undermining efforts to create a more equal society, and tearing apart the social safety net in the process” for over 25 years.

Wiley was invited to the caucus by Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif  to run the Democrats “through their strategy and how they message and talk about stuff” pertaining to race and fiscal policy.

Wiley’s evidence of racism bordered on the ludicrous. Citing Newt Gingrich’s jab at President Obama for being the “food-stamp president,” Wiley whined, “Calling a black man ‘the food stamp president’ is not a race-neutral statement, even if Newt Gingrich did not intend racism.” She also cited Rick Santorum for racism in this statement criticizing Obama: “Give them more food stamps, give them more Medicaid is the administration’s approach, rather than creating jobs.” But she wasn’t done; she also cited House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., about raising taxes to fund government programs: “I’ve never believed that you go raise taxes on those that are paying in, taking from them, so that you just hand out and give them to someone else.”

Then, in typically Obama-like cynical fashion, she explained how to lure white voters to her side even while crying racism: “Don’t make the mistake of telling them they’re in the problem. It’s emotional connection, not rational connection that we need … Explain how each racial group is affected (recognize the unique pain of each group), but start with people who are White … then raise racial disparities.”  The line she offered to bait whites into joining her own inherently racist cause? “Homeownership is the American Dream. It hurts the same to lose your home if you’re White, Asian, Latino or Black.”

After Obama was elected on the pretense that he was a uniter, he and his minions see opportunities in constantly dividing Americans by race, creed or color and then appealing to them separately.


**Written by William Bigelow**

**Emphasis added**


A comment placed by me at the above post:

Maya Wiley is a director at the Tides Foundation.…

Maya Wiley, Executive Director of the Center for Social Inclusion (a project of Tides) and the chair of Tides’ Board of Directors.

Maya also served as an advisor to the Open Society Institute and as a consultant to the Open Society Foundation. Wiley also served as a panelist at the kick-off Tides Learning Community eventHarvest of Empire: Community Briefing on Immigration in June 2011.…


Add This:

The Editorial Advisory Group of the magazine Social Policy includes[26];
Noam Chomsky, Janice Fine, S. M. Miller, Peter Olney, Frances Fox Piven, Heather Booth, Peter Dreier,  Maya Wiley,  Robert Fisher, Ashutosh Saxena,Ken Grossinger==New York…

Social Policy:

Social Policy is a “progressive” publication with which Wade Rathke has been affiliated.


For over 30 years, Social Policy has served as “key site for intellectual exchange among progressive academics and activists from across the United States and beyond”, including: Frances Fox Piven, Jonathan Kozol, Noam Chomsky, Marian Wright Edelman, Ivan Illich, Stanley Aronowitz, Michael Lerner (SEIU and Occupy), Gloria Steinem, and others[1].Many contributors are associated with Democratic Socialists of America.…


Insight into Maya Wiley:

From the PJ Tattler:

by Michelle Horstman

According to the Washington Examiner, House Dems are ready to take on the election season with professional “race bait” training from someone who learned the art from the best. Their expert instructor,  Maya Wiley, has plenty of connections current and past to make her the ideal choice.

Currently with the Center for Social Inclusion, Maya has a resume that any progressive would envy, including work with Soros’ Open Society, NAACP, Tides, and the ACLU:

Prior to founding the Center for Social Inclusion, Maya was a senior advisor on race and poverty to the Director of U.S. Programs of the Open Society Institute and helped develop and implement the Open Society Foundation – South Africa’s Criminal Justice Initiative. She has worked for the American Civil Liberties Union National Legal Department, in the Poverty and Justice Program of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. and in the Civil Division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York. Maya previously served on the boards of Human Rights Watch, the Institute on Race and Poverty at the University of Minnesota School of Law and the Council on Foreign Relations. She currently chairs the Tides Network Board and was named a NY Moves magazine 2009 Power Woman.  In 2011 Wiley was named as one of “20 Leading Black Women Social Activists Advocating Change” by The

Speaking of Tides, DiscoverTheNetworks reminds us that Wade Rathke was a founder and also happened to be a protege of Maya’s late father, ’60s radical George A. Wiley:

Maya Wiley, daughter of George A. Wiley, sits on the Tides Center’s Board of Directors.

The Tides Center’s Board Chairman is Wade Rathke, who is also a member of the Tides Foundation Board. Rathke, a protege of the late George A. Wiley, serves as President of the New Orleans-based Local 100 of the Service Employees International Union, and is the founder and chief organizer of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN).

In fact, George accomplished quite a bit, using the Cloward and Piven tactics of the day. He started the National Welfare Rights Organization, which later inspired the founding of ACORN:

Under the influence of two Columbia University School of Social Work professors, Frances Fox Piven and Richard Cloward, Wiley sought to promote racial justice by providing economic opportunities for the poor. In June 1966, he organized several demonstrations that led to the formation of the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO).

Steven Malanga wrote more about this in a 2006 Wall Street Journal piece:

Acorn’s roots are in the National Welfare Rights Organization, whose leader, George Wiley, believed he could use poor, unwed mothers to foment a revolution. The NWRO agitated for unlimited welfare benefits for those mothers and persuaded many urban politicians to loosen welfare eligibility requirements. This led to a more-than doubling of the welfare roles and strained local budgets. Wiley hoped to persuade the federal government to come to the rescue with massive aid. Instead NWRO’s strategy prompted a backlash against “welfare mothers” and politicians in free-spending cities like New York.

When Wiley’s welfare strategy reached a dead end he moved on to other ventures, including sending some of his troops to form a new community organization in Arkansas, infused with the same radicalism. It was a brilliant stroke: By the early ’70s billions of dollars in federal and state aid was streaming to these local groups, spurred by Republicans in Washington who reasoned that it was better to fund nonprofits than create giant federal bureaucracies to run burgeoning antipoverty programs. Little did the GOP understand that the money would finance a nationwide network of organizations that for decades have mobilized urban residents against the party’s candidates and agenda.

Clearly, Maya has a family heritage of radical revolution as well as her own vast amount of experience with the strongest progressive political machines of today. What better choice for instruction (or should we say “destruction”) could the Democratic Party ask for?

Source: The PJ Tattler

By Michelle Horstman

**Emphasis added**



Rubbing Raw the Sores of Discontent Then Galvanize Them. Independent VOTERS: Educate Yourself to the Ideology Trying to Take Hold in America


Statism Needs Division and Discontent to Push Their Progressive Agenda


Van Jones thinks Conservatives should just sit down and shut up.


Remember the Leftists/Marxists NEED Division and Discontent to PUSH their Progressive Agenda.


The liberal left has been attempting to create the illusion that there is great division in this country by using the Trayvon Martin case as that spring board. They need to create a false reality, because the real world is not divided enough. The country is not as agitated as the left is, but it never is, and that just will not do.  They have to find a way to succeed in upsetting people, and then project the blame onto their opposition.They kick the lies into high gear, the deception is about to reach a crescendo, and our primary job as informed voters is to see right through it, press forward, and just don’t believe them.

Every opportunity the left gets they will attempt to create division, in the hopes of gaining the votes of the angry sympathizers of the supposed victims, while also getting rid of one of their enemies, or getting rid of opposition to an issue or piece of legislation they are pushing.


Additional Links:

Want to know where all the House-passed jobs bills are? Stuck in the Senate. Is Harry Reid Enabling Obama’s Power Grab?


Are Sen. Harry Reid’s Lips Tired From Puckering? Reid Uses Procedural Maneuver to Block Vote on Obama’s Jobs Bill. Yet Obama CLAIMS Republicans are the Obstructionists?


Turn Alinsky Tactics into a Republican Offensive in 2012: Conservative vs. Liberal Talking Points


#I Am Andrew Breitbart


Wolves and wise

