The THUG Optics,Words and Actions Used by Obama Campaign and Supporters…..Alinsky Would Be Proud



First, YOU need to UNDERSTAND that Saul Alinsky studied the Antonio Gramsci (Italian Communist) and promoted it in his tactics.  Saul Alinsky ALSO studied the Mafia mob tactics under Frank Nitti of the Al Capone mob.


Marxism in America through Gradualism and Dialectic Process Ideology of Antonio Gramsci (Italian Communist). Saul Alinsky Tactics based on Gramsci.


Antonio Gramsci was a transformational Marxist. As laid out in the above linked article, what Gramsci advocated was the transformation of a society to the communist state via gradualism — the gradual erosion of old ideals, replacing them with the new. As opposed to Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, and Mussolini, Gramsci advocated the quiet revolution.

The Hegelian Dialectic of thesis (and idea), antithesis (the opposite), and synthesis (the bringing together of opposites) to form a new thesis, ever evolving, plays a heavy role in the gradualism Gramsci proposed. Today, in America, the Hegelian Dialectic is played out in meetings at every level, all across America, under the name of consensus building using facilitators heavily trained in group dynamics.


Rules for Radicals

By Saul Alinsky – 1971

Saul Alinsky’s tactics were based, not on Stalin’s revolutionary violence, but on the Neo-Marxist strategies of  Antonio Gramsci, an Italian Communist. Relying on gradualism, infiltration and the dialectic process rather than a bloody revolution, Gramsci’s transformational Marxism was so subtle that few even noticed the deliberate changes.

Like Alinsky, Mikhail Gorbachev followed Gramsci, not Lenin. In fact, Gramsci aroused Stalins’s wrath by suggesting that Lenin’s revolutionary plan wouldn’t work in the West. Instead the primary assault would be on Biblical absolutes and Christian values, which must be crushed as a social force before the new face of Communism could rise and flourish. Malachi Martin gave us a progress report:

“By 1985, the influence of traditional Christian philosophy in the West was weak and negligible…. Gramsci’s master strategy was now feasible. Humanly speaking, it was no longer too tall an order to strip large majorities of men and women in the West of those last vestiges that remained to them of Christianity’s transcendent God.”

“The means-and-ends moralists, constantly obsessed with the ethics of the means used by the Have-Nots against the Haves, should search themselves as to their real political position. In fact, they are passive — but real — allies of the Haves…. The most unethical of all means is the non-use of any means… The standards of judgment must be rooted in the whys and wherefores of life as it is lived, the world as it is, not our wished-for fantasy of the world as it should be….”pp.25-26

“The third rule of ethics of means and ends is that in war the end justifies almost any means….” p.29

“The seventh rule… is that generally success or failure is a mighty determinant of ethics….” p.34

“The tenth rule… is you do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral garments.… It involves sifting the multiple factors which combine in creating the circumstances at any given time… Who, and how many will support the action?… If weapons are needed, then are appropriate d weapons available? Availability of means determines whether you will be underground or above ground; whether you will move quickly or slowly…” p.36

Notes: Apparently, Michelle Obama referred to these words during her Democratic National Convention speech:

“She said, ‘Barack stood up that day,’ talking about a visit to Chicago neighborhoods, ‘and spoke words that have stayed with me ever since. He talked about ‘The world as it is‘ and ‘The world as it should be…’ And, ‘All of us driven by a simple belief that the world as it is just won’t do – that we have an obligation to, fight for the world as it should be.”

Do you wonder who — or whose values — should determine what “the world… should be?”



How Obama Revolution Came to America: Antonio Gramsci and Saul Alinsky Style


How Obama Revolution Came to America

AIM Report  |  By Robert Chandler  |

April 6, 2009

This material has been excerpted, edited and updated from one chapter of Robert Chandler’s important new book, Shadow World, published by Regnery.

S. Steven Powell wrote in his 1987 book, Covert Cadre, that the revolutionary activity advocated by Marxist Antonio Gramsci involved the need to “infiltrate autonomous institutions—schools, media, churches, public-interest groups—so as radically to transform the culture, which determines the environment in which political and economic policies are played out.” Or, as Carl Boggs, author ofGramsci’s Marxism wrote, “the role of revolutionary theory is to create the foundation of a new socialist order precisely through the negation and transcendence of bourgeois society.” This “transcendence of bourgeois society,” Boggs explains, was the basis for Gramsci’s first priority—“the multi-dimensional transformation of civil society.”

The key to Gramsci’s formula for revolution centered on the idea of breaking what he called the “hegemony” or mind-control exercised by the ruling capitalists over the masses. Bourgeois societies were ruled, Gramsci believed, by educating the citizenry that their accommodation of the moral, political, and cultural values defined by the governing system was in their best interests. Hence, Gramsci designed a “reversal strategy” that would silently challenge the existing culture and value-systems that dominated bourgeois governance. That is to say, his formula was based on an ideological struggle that would transform a whole range of activities in civil society, including Judeo-Christian values, the family, schools, unions, and politics and popular trust in the existing government. 

There are ten easy steps toward a progressive-socialist-Marxist civil society: change the popular consensus; destroy Christianity, the traditional family, and existing social mores; transform the culture; install a radical Left mind-control; attain political power; impose strict control of the military and law enforcement; restrict freedom; socialize the economy; erase American sovereignty; and embrace a world without borders. 


Four political arenas have been constructed by the progressive-socialist-Marxist Left to “format” or erase America’s collective brain and install a mind-control program into what is to become a robotic America of theological radicalism, socialist unionism, radical community-state politics, and the “Shadow Party” owned and operated by billionaires such as George Soros.


ADD Mafia/Mob tactics Alinsky style:

If YOU haven’t read this, it is HIGHLY SUGGESTED that you do.  How Alinsky learned mob tactics under Frank Nitti of the Al Capone mob.

Full Interview of Alinsky by Playboy magazine

Excerpt talking about the mob:

PLAYBOY: Did you continue your life of crime?

ALINSKY: Crime? That wasn’t crime — it was survival — But my Robin Hood days were short-lived; logically enough, I was awarded the graduate Social Science Fellowship in criminology, the top one in that field, which took care of my tuition and room and board — I still don’t know why they gave it to me — maybe because I hadn’t taken a criminology course in my life and didn’t know one goddamn thing about the subject — But this was the Depression and I felt like someone had tossed me a life preserver — Hell, if it had been in shirt cleaning, I would have taken it. Anyway, I found out that criminology was just as removed from actual crime and criminals as sociology was from society, so I decided to make my doctoral dissertation a study of the Al Capone mob — an inside study.

PLAYBOY: What did Capone have to say about that?

ALINSKY: Well, my reception was pretty chilly at first — I went over to the old Lexington Hotel, which was the gang’s headquarters, and I hung around the lobby and the restaurant. I’d spot one of the mobsters whose picture I’d seen in the papers and go up to him and say, “I’m Saul Alinsky, I’m studying criminology, do you mind if I hang around with you?” And he’d look me over and say, “Get lost, punk.” This happened again and again, and I began to feel I’d never get anywhere. Then one night I was sitting in the restaurant and at the next table was Big Ed Stash, a professional assassin who was the Capone mob’s top executioner. He was drinking with a bunch of his pals and he was saying, “Hey, you guys, did I ever tell you about the time I picked up that redhead in Detroit?” and he was cut off by a chorus of moans. “My God,” one guy said, “do we have to hear that one again?” I saw Big Ed’s face fall; mobsters are very sensitive, you know, very thin-skinned. And I reached over and plucked his sleeve. “Mr. Stash,” I said, “I’d love to hear that story.” His face lit up. “You would, kid?” He slapped me on the shoulder. “Here, pull up a chair. Now, this broad, see . . .” And that’s how it started.

Big Ed had an attentive audience and we became buddies. He introduced me to Frank Nitti, known as the Enforcer, Capone’s number-two man, and actually in de facto control of the mob because of Al’s income-tax rap. Nitti took me under his wing. I called him the Professor and I became his student. Nitti’s boys took me everywhere, showed me all the mob’s operations, from gin mills and whorehouses and bookie joints to the legitimate businesses they were beginning to take over. Within a few months, I got to know the workings of the Capone mob inside out.

PLAYBOY: Why would professional criminals confide their secrets to an outsider?

ALINSKY: Why not? What harm could I do them? Even if I told what I’d learned, nobody would listen. They had Chicago tied up tight as a drum; they owned the city, from the cop on the beat right up to the mayor. Forget all that Eliot Ness shit; the only real opposition to the mob came from other gangsters, like Bugs Moran or Roger Touhy. The Federal Government could try to nail ‘em on an occasional income tax rap, but inside Chicago they couldn’t touch their power. Capone was the establishment. When one of his boys got knocked off, there wasn’t any city court in session, because most of the judges were at the funeral and some of them were pallbearers. So they sure as hell weren’t afraid of some college kid they’d adopted as a mascot causing them any trouble. They never bothered to hide anything from me; I was their one-man student body and they were anxious to teach me. It probably appealed to their egos.

Once, when I was looking over their records, I noticed an item listing a $7500 payment for an out-of-town killer. I called Nitti over and I said, “Look, Mr. Nitti, I don’t understand this. You’ve got at least 20 killers on your payroll. Why waste that much money to bring somebody in from St. Louis?” Frank was really shocked at my ignorance. “Look, kid,” he said patiently, “sometimes our guys might know the guy they’re hitting, they may have been to his house for dinner, taken his kids to the ball game, been the best man at his wedding, gotten drunk together. But you call in a guy from out of town, all you’ve got to do is tell him, ‘Look, there’s this guy in a dark coat on State and Randolph; our boy in the car will point him out; just go up and give him three in the belly and fade into the crowd.’ So that’s a job and he’s a professional, he does it. But one of our boys goes up, the guy turns to face him and it’s a friend, right away he knows that when he pulls that trigger there’s gonna be a widow, kids without a father, funerals, weeping — Christ, it’d be murder.” I think Frank was a little disappointed by my even questioning the practice; he must have thought I was a bit callous.


Do LARGE Unions like the AFL-CIO, SEIU, AFSCME, Teamsters, use a Cosa Nostra style of upper management to worker mentality? From the “Boss” to the “persuaders” to the “enforcers” down to the menial union member?

Do today’s LARGE Unions utilize Mob/Thug tactics?

Cosa Nostra Chart


Link to video




Team Obama downplays call for ‘revenge’




To put things into perspective, my neighborhood is racially diverse, and I hope it always will be.

In 2008, however, most of my black neighbors placed Obama campaign signs in their yards. Distressed by racial identity politics, I wrote an op-ed called “Christ, Obama and America.”

This year, Obama/Biden campaigners and self-proclaimed “community organizers” have been knocking on every door – including my family’s door – for months. But Obama/Biden signs weren’t yet on display, so we thought the majority of their 2008 supporters had changed their minds due to Obama’s and Biden’s record. Then, in mid-October, two black households near mine put out Obama/Biden signs.

These two neighbors declare themselves Christian. One declares herself Catholic and pro-life, but something is amiss in the thought process of many Christians.


Instead of arguing with this couple, I taped a Romney/Ryan sign to the inside of our glass storm door.

I also taped a homemade sign beneath it: “Choose Life, Not Death.” Under that headline, I placed the words of Moses from Deuteronomy 30:19-20: “I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live, loving the LORD your God, obeying his voice, and clinging to him …”

Within minutes of closing the door, someone shattered the glass in broad daylight. As I was on the phone with police, I saw someone steal our American flag.

So there it was: a striking example of Obama supporters’ tolerance.

White conservatives and adults aren’t the only targets of leftists. After black conservative Ron Miller published his Christian memoir, “Sellout: Musings from Uncle Tom’s Porch,” which I edited, his home property was vandalized.


Democrats Vandalize More Allen West Signs

Allen West street sign before-

West sign after


Valerie Jarret – “After We Win This Election, It’s Our Turn. Payback Time.” (WSI)

( “After we win this election, it’s our turn.  Payback time.” )

NOTE:  This update was forwarded to me byWall Street Insider who indicated they received it this morning via a direct source associated with Barack Obama’s campaign headquarters in Chicago.



Thought you would be very interested to hear of this.  It appears this Jarrett creature is quite confident of a victory, and has every intention of making those who opposed her, and her boy, of paying dearly for their seeming crimes against them.  As Election Day is nearly upon us, more and more are willing to speak outside the inner circle.  Such is the case with this message received by me this morning from a source who has been working for us via Chicago for several months now. Their campaign appears increasingly confident, I assume, due to the now adoring media coverage of their boy’s little march with the commoners following this week’s storm.  It has been a revolting display by some in our media has it not?  Here then is the most recent report I received our Chicago source.  I first passed it along to our mutual friend with no response, so now I  pass it along to you in the hopes you deem it worthy to publish as its sharingwill serve a related purpose with another I hope to secure a favor from in the very near future.  And if you have any concerns regarding the source – don’t.  They are being thoroughly protected despite their understandable trepidation.  As you have been.

And while our friend was clearly upset yesterday with how the storm altered our immediate strategies that were to have concluded this final week of the campaign,  I prefer to believe all is in God’s hands, and if that was to be, then so be it.  My efforts remain undiminished, if not my strength.  I hope youshare my belief and determination in that regard.  That said, there has been movement favoring Obama over the last few days.  Such is the reality that we must now deal with and plan accordingly.  Crying nor profanity will assist in successfully navigating that reality.




A rep from Jarrett office was in today. She gave us a finish line pep talk and then afterwards, heard her saying how Jarrett is very excited about a 2nd term agenda and a big part of that agenda is to punish everyone who opposed them during the first term and the campaign.  Strange that everything was “Ms. Jarrett wants this, and Ms. Jarrett is looking forward to that”.  You hardly heard Obama’s name mentioned by her which I guess reinforces what people are saying.  Valerie Jarrett really is the power in the White House.  I know that when her representative showed up it was like royalty was visiting.  All the big dogs were lined up to meet her and acting real friendly and they gave us a heads up an hour before and told us we better “put on a good show” while she was here.

The part that really stuck out to me was when I overheard the rep say that Jarrett told them, “After we win this election, it’s our turn.  Payback time.  Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay.  Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over and we have two judges ready to go.”  She was talking directly to about three of them.  Sr. staff.  And she wasn’t trying to be quiet about it at all.  And they were all listening and shaking their heads and smiling while she said it.  Pretty creepy.

Why are they so confident about winning next week?  We aren’t getting any numbers in the officethat has any of us knowing Obama will win.  It will be close.  Jarrett and her people seem so confident.  Why is that?  Do you have any information on why she is so confident?  I’m worried.  Benghazi was supposed to play big this weekend.  That is what everybody here was bracing for last week.  You could really tell the staffers were freaking out.   Now nobody is talking about it.  Like it was never a concern.  Like it never even happened. Don’t you have people to help with that?  What happened?  You said it was going to be a game changer.  I told some others it would be and now I’m kind of hanging out there.   Not the only one around here who got a real bad vibe after the Alex thing.  Help!  Need some good news after today!



Muslim Cleric With Ties To Bin Laden Endorses Barack Obama…






Today, True the Vote (TTV), the nonpartisan election integrity organization, announced the availability of its Election Integrity Hotline, to help document illegal activity inside or outside of America’s polling places.



Obama and his ilk claim to be “Uniters” and use “Civility”……REALLY?
