Obama Throws Eastern Europe Under the Bus. Is This George Soros’ Idea?


FIRST THIS: From American Thinker…..


Obama throws Eastern Europe under the bus

August 30, 2009

By Jeanette Colville

The U.S. has abandoned plans to install a missile defense system in Europe, according to a report. If true, this is a major strategic error that will have serious consequences for our allies in Europe and for us.
Quoting a U.S. source, the Polish daily Gazeta Wyborcza says the Obama administration has decided against building a missile shield to protect Poland and the Czech Republic.
The reason? Russian opposition.
Now, if we want to build a defense system for friends in Europe, we’ll have to place it in the Balkans, Israel or somewhere else. That is, if Russia approves.
This is a stark reversal of past policy and reneges on promises made by the current administration. Worse, it shows weakness. We got into a staredown with the Russian bear and we blinked.
This is the treaty that Condi Rice and President Bush worked out. This is what our wonderful allies Poland, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Czech, Slovenia all wanted so desperately… NOW they again fear that they are looking down the guns and tanks of Russia storming back and crushing them… it is so tragic.
The spirit of economic and social and political recovery in those countries was so powerful when I was there winter before last…  now this… America has turned its back on them (via Obama). 



**Note here**  The ONE salvation in all of this is:  Russia HATES George Soros.



He (Soros) had already been widely proclaiming that it was his own machinations that brought down the Soviet Empire.  When asked about his sphere of influence in the Soviets’ demise for a New Republic interview in 1994, Mr. Soros humbly replied that the author ought to report that “the former Soviet Empire is now called the Soros Empire.”



When our House Banking Committee investigated the Russia-gate scandal in 1999, trying to determine just how $100 billion had been diverted out of Russia, forcing the collapse of its currency and the default of its enormous loans from the International Monetary Fund, Soros was even called to testify.  He denied involvement of course, but finally admitted that he had used insider access in a deal that was barred to foreign investors to acquire a huge chunk of Sidanko Oil. 



The Russia scandal was labeled by Rep. Jim Leach, then head of the House Banking Committee to be “one of the greatest social robberies in human history.” (Shadow Party; David Horowitz and Richard Poe; p. 96)



Of course, Russia-gate was quickly hushed up and pushed aside in the public’s lurid, and quite insatiable, interest in Monica-gate. 



Then, George Soros did some more shady economic fooling around in France.  And he actually got caught and charged with illegal insider trading in his attempt to takeover the Societe Generale bank.  He was convicted and the conviction was upheld in 2 separate appeals, the last in June of 2006.  They let him off, however, with a piddling $2.9 million fine.



Mere chicken feed to a multi-billionaire.



Of course, since George Soros is a naturalized American citizen, it is difficult to imagine just why he would intentionally want to bring about our own economic collapse. 



But from all appearances, that might be exactly what he has on his mind. 



By 2003, Soros was already predicting the downfall of the dollar.  In a CNBC interview, amid a slump in the dollar’s value against the Euro, Soros added fuel to that fire by stating that he was already selling dollars.  His statement, in turn, caused a further decline in the international worth of the dollar.



When George Soros speaks, hedge fund managers and world financiers listen.



Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to bring about the “October Surprise”  U.S. economic downturn in time for the 2004 election.  Our economy proved too resilient for him then.



But he hasn’t stopped predicting that yearned-for recession that would spoil things for his political foes, the Republicans.



Read the rest of this article HERE



Mark `Moloch’ Brown: The Empire’s Coup Man in Georgia (ADD SOROS HERE)

Aug. 12, 2008 (EIRNS)—There is good reason for the British Empire’s silence about the attack by Mikhail Saakashvili’s Georgia on South Ossetia on Aug. 7, an attack that brought the world to the brink of World War III. Saakashvili was put in power by the duo of British agents—billionaire speculator and Nazi collaborator, George Soros, and Lord Mark Malloch Brown, now the United Kingdom’s Minister for Africa, Asia and the United Nations for the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). And, by tracking the records of the UN Development Program (UNDP) which Malloch Brown administered, and Soros’s Open Society Institute and its offshoots, the proverbial check stubs will be found.

Lord Malloch Brown has been in the business of overthrowing governments since 1986, when he left the London Economist for the international section of an agressive political consulting firm in the U.S. called Sawyer Miller, and from there advised the Presidential campaign of Corazon Aquino in the Philippines. He stuck with Aquino through the overthrow of President Ferdinand Marcos in 1986, a role about which he boasts. In 1990, he represented the Presidential campaign of Peruvian fascist novelist Mario Varga Llosa, a drug legalization advocate, who lost the election after proposing a vicious austerity program to cut the living standards of Peru’s lower classes. Sawyer Miller also helped promote the Dalai Lama against China.

From Sawyer Miller, Malloch Brown spent the next 18 years at the World Bank and the United Nations, forming a deep, but secretive relationship with Soros.

He is also secretive about his finances—he lists only his government salary of about $160,000 on financial disclosure forms. Prior to taking the Ministry job, he served as the Vice Chairman of George Soros’s hedge fund, the Quantum Fund in 2007. For a bit of comparison, note that Soros earned billions of dollars heading the Quantum Fund in recent years!

The subsidized home deal is identical to the arrangement which Malloch Brown had for about five years when he headed the UN Development Program, and then became Deputy Secretary General of the UN, and lived in New York. There he was a tenant at the five acre estate owned by George Soros in Katonah, New York, which the UN paid for, at $120,000 a year, to Soros. It was about 20% below the market price, but when asked about this house by a reporter, Malloch Brown stormed out of the interview, exclaiming, “I am doing God’s work!”

Malloch Brown and Soros have been co-conspirators in a global plot against the nation state since at least 1993, when Malloch Brown joined a group organized by Soros that travelled to Serbia and Bosnia, to advise him on how to best spend a $50 million grant to “rebuild” Bosnia, after the British orchestrated war had destroyed it. In the 1990s, Soros had also funded the street thug apparatus OTPOR, that boasts of toppling Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic in 2000. Soros’s network later used the experienced Serbian mob-controllers to create the “democracy shocktroops” for the “Rose Revolution” in Georgia that put Saakashvili into power.

Read the rest of this article HERE


My question is this:

IF George Soros believes in an “Open Society” and is thoroughly behind the United Nations goal of World Power; WHY would Obama concede the missile defense shield of Eastern Europe (deterrant to Russia) when George Soros is PRO Central and Eastern Europe democratization/oligarchy?

Overview: Central and Eastern Europe

More than a decade after the Berlin Wall fell, democracy and the rule of law have become firmly entrenched throughout the region—developments that have helped spur economic transformations reaching deep within each country. Since the late 1990s, all eight countries in the OSI website’s Central and Eastern Europe region have focused primarily on one overarching milestone: their accession into the European Union (EU) in May 2004. The lure of EU membership, with its highly anticipated economic and social benefits, has driven political decision making in each country—with profound and positive consequences for open society. Among other things, the accession process has contributed to the advancement of human rights, liberalized economic policies, increased government accountability, and helped to invigorate civil society.

As Central and Eastern European countries have worked to bring their political, economic, and social policies and practices in line with EU standards, OSI and its affiliated Soros foundations have promoted these reforms by offering policy advice, training civil servants, and funding the participation of civic groups in national and local public affairs. In several countries, for example, local Soros foundations supported voter turnout campaigns underlining the importance of elections to continuing reform and democratization.

Joining the European Union is not a panacea for open society deficits. Substantial attention must continue to be paid in accession countries as well as member states to fundamental issues like minority rights, corruption, and the free movement of people. Soros foundations are committed to making sure that EU criteria, adopted during the accession process, are actually put into practice once membership is achieved. OSI’s EU Monitoring and Advocacy Program seeks to ensure that that new and old member states live by the same criteria.


Stefan Batory Foundation (Poland)

Open Society Fund–Prague (Czech Republic)

Open Estonia Foundation

Open Society Foundation–Bratislava (Slovakia)

Soros Foundation–Hungary

Soros Foundation–Latvia

Open Society Fund–Lithuania

Open Society Institute to Give $100 Million

 to Aid Europeans in Need

June 18, 2009

The Open Society Institute will give $100 million to help communities in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union hardest hit by the global economic downturn.

“I believe it is the duty of those who have the means to step in to help,” said Open Society Institute chairman George Soros. “My foundation has a long commitment to the region. I wanted to do what I can, although I know it cannot alleviate the suffering.”

The funds are a one-time gift to be spent over the next two years in the Balkans, the Baltics, Central Asia, the Caucasus and Ukraine.

Many of the target countries are new members of the European Union that have had to slash budgets in the face of turbulent economic times. In addition, many donors have pulled out of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.

“We want to help those communities most at risk. My priority is helping young people. We need to help the next generation,” Soros said.

A committee made up of people from Eastern Europe will evaluate the severity of the crisis in each country. In cooperation with Soros foundations located in the 20 countries, the group will consider proposals for funding.

“No funding decisions have been made yet,” Soros said. “But projects could range from support to keep children in school to shelters to cultural institutions at risk of failing.”

The countries eligible to receive funds are Albania, Armenia, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Tajikistan and Ukraine.



End note:

Soros is connected to the “dirty” corrupt politics of the UNITED NATIONS.

END United Nations’ attempt to remove our country’s sovereignty at the behest of George Soros.  GET RID OF THE UNITED NATIONS ON AMERICAN SOIL!

Soros has been manipulating the minds of Central and Eastern Europeans via $$$$.

What the master puppeteer (Soros) of Obama doesn’t realize is that this move will give Russia and Putin the GREEN LIGHT to invade any country in this bloc they consider weak.

I have said all along that Soros is behind anything Obama and the Far left Liberal Democratic Party does!  As they say “FOLLOW THE MONEY”…….