A Dirty Secret Within Obamacare Bill: Government Coming into Homes and Usurping Parental Rights Over Child Care and Development

Dirty Secret No. 1 in Obamacare

By Chuck Norris


Dirty secret No. 1 in Obamacare is about the government’s coming into homes and usurping parental rights over child care and development.

It’s outlined in sections 440 and 1904 of the House bill (Page 838), under the heading “home visitation programs for families with young children and families expecting children.” The programs (provided via grants to states) would educate parents on child behavior and parenting skills.

***Go there now if you wish to confirm: http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=111_cong_bills&docid=f:h3200ih.txt.pdf ****

The bill says that the government agents, “well-trained and competent staff,” would “provide parents with knowledge of age-appropriate child development in cognitive, language, social, emotional, and motor domains … modeling, consulting, and coaching on parenting practices,” and “skills to interact with their child to enhance age-appropriate development.”

Are you kidding me?! With whose parental principles and values? Their own? Certain experts’? From what field and theory of childhood development? As if there are one-size-fits-all parenting techniques! Do we really believe they would contextualize and personalize every form of parenting in their education, or would they merely universally indoctrinate with their own?

Are we to assume the state’s mediators would understand every parent’s social or religious core values on parenting? Or would they teach some secular-progressive and religiously neutered version of parental values and wisdom? And if they were to consult and coach those who expect babies, would they ever decide circumstances to be not beneficial for the children and encourage abortions?

One government rebuttal is that this program would be “voluntary.” Is that right? Does that imply that this agency would just sit back passively until some parent needing parenting skills said, “I don’t think I’ll call my parents, priest or friends or read a plethora of books, but I’ll go down to the local government offices”? To the contrary, the bill points to specific targeted groups and problems, on Page 840: The state “shall identify and prioritize serving communities that are in high need of such services, especially communities with a high proportion of low-income families.”

Are we further to conclude by those words that low-income families know less about parenting? Are middle- and upper-class parents really better parents? Less neglectful of their children? Less needful of parental help and training? Is this “prioritized” training not a biased, discriminatory and even prejudicial stereotype and generalization that has no place in federal government, law or practice?

Bottom line: Is all this what you want or expect in a universal health care bill being rushed through Congress? Do you want government agents coming into your home and telling you how to parent your children? When did government health care turn into government child care?

Government needs less of a role in running our children’s lives and more of a role in supporting parents’ decisions for their children. Children belong to their parents, not the government. And the parents ought to have the right — and government support — to parent them without the fed’s mandates, education or intervention in our homes.

Kids are very important to my wife, Gena, and me. That’s why we’ve spent the past 17 years developing our nonprofit KICKSTART program in public schools in Texas. It builds up their self-esteem and teaches them respect and discipline. Of course, whether or not they participate in the program is their and their parents’ choice.

How contrary is Obamacare’s home intrusion and indoctrination family services, in which state agents prioritize houses to enter and enforce their universal values and principles upon the hearts and minds of families across America?

Government’s real motives and rationale are quite simple, though rarely, if ever, stated. If one wants to control the future ebbs and flows of a country, one must have command over future generations. That is done by seizing parental and educational power, legislating preferred educational methods and materials, and limiting private educational options. It is so simple that any socialist can understand it.

As Josef Stalin once stated, “Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.”

Before so-called universal health care turns into universal hell care, write or call your representative today and protest his voting Obamacare into law. Remind him that what is needed in Washington is a truly bipartisan group that is allowed an ample amount of time to work on a compromise health care law that wouldn’t raise taxes (for anyone), regulate personal medical choices, ration health care or restrict American citizens.


Okay, so WHAT is the purpose of this section of the Healthcare Bill?  Is it because the low income and Indian tribes of America don’t know how to parent children?  I don’t think so.  Is it because the low income and Indian tribes of America don’t feed their children correctly; thus causing health problems?  I don’t think so.  Is it because the customs and culture of the low income and Indian tribes of America’s culture and customs leave their children lacking brain development and thusly in need of intervention?  I don’t think so.

So what are sections 440 and 1904 of the House bill (Pages 838-847), about anyway?


“provide parents with knowledge of age-appropriate child development in cognitive, language, social, emotional, and motor domains … modeling, consulting, and coaching on parenting practices,” and “skills to interact with their child to enhance age-appropriate development.”

Basically, does this mean the socio-psychological development of a child’s mental health and physiological development?  A “healthy/mentally stable child”?

So……I started looking into sites of “child development”, “child social/emotional development”,  “child age-appropriate development” and the name Eric Erikson and Erikson Institute kept reappearing.

So then I decided to look into the Erikson Institute.

Erik Erickson studied the psychoanalysis of Sigmud Freud of develpment in the human mind.  Erikson took the five steps of Freud and added three more to make eight stages.

An institute was started to provide instruction and training to professionals.  Upon digging further I discovered something that make me sit up and go WHOA.

This is what I discovered: 

From Erickson’s Institute in Chicago Illinois: (Imagine that……Chicago!)

Section from the Erikson’s Institute Site……


“The first years of life matter most.

What happens in those years shape a child’s capacity to learn, to work, and to love.

That, in a nutshell, is why Erikson exists. To make sure that children have what they need to make the most of those critical early years.

We are the nation’s premier graduate school in child development, and the only one focusing on birth to age eight.

We teach adults who work with, care for, act on behalf of, or touch the life of young children and help fulfill promise of their first years of life.



Hmmm……think about that America for ONE MINUTE.



Drum roll please………….Professors

Barbara T. Bowman, M.A.

Irving B. Harris Professor of Child Development

Professor Barbara Bowman is one of three faculty founders of Erikson Institute and served as president of the institute from 1994 to 2001. She is the Irving B. Harris Professor of Child Development.

She is an authority on early education, a national advocate for improved and expanded training for practitioners who teach and care for young children, and a pioneer in building knowledge and understanding of the issues of access and equity for minority children.

Barbara Bowman

Barbara Bowman

From the Communist Party Paper: People’s Weekly World “It is important to remember that for the first time in a long time we have a person who gets it,” said Barbara Bowman, a consultant to the U.S. Secretary of Education, praising Obama for “(understanding) the importance of early childhood care and education.”http://www.pww.org/article/view/15873

Figured out WHO she is yet?   VALERIE JARRETT’s MOTHER!    As some circles say, Obama’s other half of his brain. Valerie Jarrett

 Barbara Bowman co-founded the Erikson Institute and has served as president of the NAEYC. Early childhood advocates say she will probably be named to the Presidential Early Learning Council that President Obama has pledged to create. At the moment, she said, she is a consultant to the U.S. Department of Education, “making recommendations to Arne Duncan on how to improve the department’s emphasis on early childhood  Erikson Institute:The Institute was founded in 1966 by four child advocates: child psychologist Maria Piers; educator and activist Barbara Taylor Bowman; social worker Lorraine Wallach; and businessman and philanthropist Irving B. Harris. It was established to provide training for people working in the recently created Head Startprogram.


Its original mission was to provide early childhood teachers  and caregivers with a comprehensive education in child development and a clear understanding of the role of family and culture in a child’s life. The mission has expanded to the education of anyone who works with or on behalf of young children.

The institute’s academic programs, applied research, and community work focus on children from birth through age eight, particularly those at risk for academic failure and social harm. In addition to its exclusive focus on early childhood, Erikson is best known for its multidisciplinary and relationship-based approach to education, an approach that requires students to master child development knowledge from many fields and to develop professional self-awareness and a capacity for reflective practice.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erikson_Institute Erik Homburger Erikson (June 15, 1902 – May 12, 1994) was a DanishGermanAmerican developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst known for his theory on social development of human beings.Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development as articulated by Erik Erikson explain eight stages through which a healthily developing humanshould pass frominfancy to late adulthood. In each stage the person confronts, and hopefully masters, new challenges. Each stage builds on the successful completion of earlier stages. The challenges of stages not successfully completed may be expected to reappear as problems in the future .http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erikson%27s_stages_of_psychosocial_development  

My end notes: 1.  WHAT does education have to do with a Healthcare bill? 2.  Barbara Bowman, a professor of Erikson Institute and a consultant to the Department of Education and possibly to be named to  Obama’s Presidential Early Learning Council MUST believe in Eric Erikson’s Freudian mental/childhood development ideals since she is co-founder of the Erikson Institute. 3.  The Erikson Institute believes in: The first years of life matter most.What happens in those years shape a child’s capacity to learn, to work, and to love.

That, in a nutshell, is why Erikson exists. To make sure that children have what they need to make the most of those critical early years.

We are the nation’s premier graduate school in child development, and the only one focusing on birth to age eight.

We teach adults who work with, care for, act on behalf of, or touch the life of young children and help fulfill promise of their first years of life.


4.  Off subject but worth mentioning: A tie of Barbara Bowman to Bill Ayers?On page 82 of Ayers book,    A kind and Just Parent,   many people may have mentioned that Ayers mentions Obama, when discussing his beloved Hyde Park neighborhood. Something that they may have overlooked though, is that in mentioning Muhammad Ali, Farakhhan and Obama in the same sentence (as Neighbors) is a little alarming he also mentions this,



5.  Barbara Bowman’s quote in the Communist Party Paper: The People’s Weekly World…..

“It is important to remember that for the first time in a long time we have a person who gets it,” said Barbara Bowman, a consultant to the U.S. Secretary of Education, praising Obama for “(understanding) the IMPORTANCE OF EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND EDUCATION.”


What is the Obama,Valerie Jarrett, Barbara Bowman connection HERE? Could this be WHY this section is in the Healthcare Bill?  Inquiring minds want to know!

Barbara Bowman lives in the same neighborhood as Bill Ayers and Obama (before becoming President).

Bill Ayers feels it worth mentioning a neighbor and friend that is president of the Erikson Institute in his book, “A Kind and Just Parent”…..


Okay America, I gave you this information.

I gave you the section in the Healthcare Bill that could be connected to all of this.

Supposedly this is “Voluntary” as of today in the early stages of this bill; HOWEVER the word “voluntary” could change to “Mandatory” with the stroke of a pen on an amendment.  You know those pesky amendments added in the darkness of light around 3:30 AM?

ASK QUESTIONS AMERICA!  ASK our Congressmen/women WHAT exactly does this section mean?  WHY is it part of the healthcare bill?  Is the government going to be given the right to come in our homes to make sure the children of the future are developing mentally and physically to the government’s liking? 

The worst question would be:  What if they are not?





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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. […] an obvious reference to Barbara Taylor Bowman, Bill Ayers wrote on page 82 of his book, “A Kind and Just Parent”, describing his Hyde Park […]

  2. We got to really appreciate the work done, very informative! keep it up.

  3. This is some of the best research on the web!

  4. […] an obvious reference to Barbara Taylor Bowman, Bill Ayers wrote on page 82 of his book, “A Kind and Just Parent”, describing his Hyde Park […]

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