Are We Headed Into Peril With Obama At The Helm?

I became an Independent voter on July 4th 2008 after realizing that the Democratic Party of FDR was being hijacked by the Far Left politicos in Washington.

Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House is as Socialist as they come.  Imagine having a powerful position as Speaker of the House and being member of the “Progressive Caucus” (formerly sponsored by the Democratic Socialists of America…changed their name as to making it more “digestible” to the American public).  Obama has been a party to the DSA since at least 1996.  Howard Dean even paired up with Obama at a Health Care synposium for the DSA in 2004.  Howard Dean backs and campaigned for Sen. Bernie Sanders from Vermont: an open Socialist.

Howard Dean, Rep. Robert Wexler (remember fist pounder and screamer at the Rules & Bylaws hearings in Washington?) are friends of the European Socialists.  They even met with them in Washington, D.C. and Wexler held meetings with them in his SENATE office. 

Many of the previous Hillary Clinton supporters, including myself, were disgusted by the mysogynistic attacks of Hillary Clinton during the primary, the “giving of the finger” by Obama after a debate, yet the MSM’s are just turning a blind eye to all that is OBVIOUSLY before them. They “choose” not to report about Obama and his connections to the DSA, The CPUSA (Communist Party of America a la Carl Davidson), The “Progressives For Obama” including Tom Hayden (married to “Hanoi Jane”) part of the SDS and connected to William Ayers of the Weatherman Underground.  Even during a “Reunion in 2007” at a SDS, William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn were speakers there.  Tom Hayden IS connected to Ayers, Dohrn and Obama.

Are you getting the picture yet America?

ACORN tie-ins to Obama.  Obama gave the ACORN recruits their training through his “leadership” training program via Talbot in Chicago. 

Ties to the Midwest Academy:  BOTH Michelle and Barack are part of this.  The Midwest Academy was set up by the Democratic Socialists of America in the 70’s.  They have “training camps” there for YOUTH.  Are we seeing the Hitler YOUTH camps 2008 style?  The beginnings of the “National Civilian Security Force” spoken about by Obama in Colorado?  “As large as and funded as well as the US Military” (Obama’s own statement).

Ties to Obama, the Progressive Democrats of America, CODE PINK, Chavez (Venezuela), Hamas and Hezbollah (via Rashid Khalidi, Brezinzski, Robert Malley, etc.), Islamic Socialists (Raila Odinga: campaigned for him in 2006), and so on and so on.

Where are the journalists with GUTS?  The only two reporting about Obama are Sean Hannity at Fox news and Glenn Beck of CNNheadline news.  Where are the “Muckrackers” of Watergate fame?  Are the true journalists chicken; cowards?  Or have they been intimidated by the Obama campaign with their “Cease and Desist” letters?  Yes, letters of intimidation are being sent out by the Obama campaign that basically state that “You will cease and desist from promoting ads (example NRA ad) against Obama or ELSE……OR ELSE?  What?  I thought I was living in America?

Now that the “Truth Squad” set up by the Obama campaign of Missouri law enforcement and district attorneys intimidating people that speak out against Obama and threatening them with “legal action”  has been exposed, NOW they are back tracking and are hiding on the side lines.

The Fairness Doctrine sitting on the shelf with Nancy Pelosi and her “entourage” of Socialists waiting for Obama to possibly win to put the final nail in the FIRST AMENDMENT’s coffin…..there you have it….Our Constitution will be revamped to fit the manifesto of Socialism. 

Another thing America does not know:  Obama was given “insider” information about the Paulson plan by Paulson himself and Nancy Pelosi before the White House meeting called by President Bush about the bailout.  Remember the “Fight” that erupted at the White House that day that ended badly?  Well, Speaker Pelosi gave up “her time” at the White House and gave it to Obama.  Obama laid out a “plan” that totally pissed off the Republican leadership meeting there.  This was confirmed by Sen. John Kerry on the Fox News Sunday show.

Partial Transcript: Sens. Graham, Kerry on ‘FNS’

KERRY: Barack Obama was in constant touch with Secretary Paulson almost every single day, sometimes several times a day, for the last two weeks.

Barack Obama was the first person to speak and lay out at that meeting at the White House, for about seven or eight minutes, the entire parameters of what we have resolved.

John McCain, when offered the opportunity to speak, passed. He didn’t speak till the very end and, when he spoke, did not offer a solution and did not say what he would support. (Could this be that Sen McCain felt it was his place to speak, but to just observe at the meeting?)  After all they were invited to attend by President Bush since one of them will inherit this economic mess in January.

And now that the Bill has FAILED, Obama is basically mute.  He doesn’t want to lay claims to starting the RUCKUS and FRACAS over the bailout bill as well as his “buddy” Speaker Nancy Pelosi.  Yet to hear them speak it is ALL the Republicans fault…..,2933,429381,00.html



So who is promoting their “Selected Comrade”??

We find out that Teresa Heinz Kerry is funding ACORN through the Woods Fund?  Is this why Sen. Kerry is so adamant about promoting Obama?  All of these supporters Kerry, Barney Frank, Sen. Dodd, Sen. Schumer, Rep. Wexler,  all have “dirty hands” in this political selection cycle.

Is the United States of America…. and her democracy… peril?

Think America!




Published in: on September 30, 2008 at 11:34 am  Comments (2)  

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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I must say this is a great article i enjoyed reading it keep the good work 🙂

  2. It is pretty hard to blame the Republicans, since sixty-five of them went along with Speaker Pelosi’s plan.

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