Tax upon Tax upon Tax upon Tax…….The Obama way.


Don’t you worry Americans……Obama plans for ALL of us to share the tax burden. Sales tax, payroll tax, healthcare tax, gasoline tax, paper towel/toilet paper tax, breathing tax (have to work on that big bad carbon you know) and so on and so on and so on.

Don’t even think for a MINUTE that YOU will escape it.

Right now, the Lefties/Pelosi/Reid…..the Socialists/Marxists/Communists want YOU to believe they are ONLY targeting the BIG BAD Corporations.

They are targeting as well the small business (Mom and Pop stores),  your local hardware, convenience store……anyone making $250,000/year.  And if that doesn’t bring in more “share the wealth” money to spread out, the “rung of the ladder” will move downward.  It will creep to $200,000 and if necessary to $150,000, etc.

Then ADD on top of that the healthcare taxes due to kick in at the start of 2013.

IF as Obama states he wants to fix the economy; WHY is the EPA through his fiat of giving them more power, sending OUR American taxpayer dollars overseas to help third world countries with their “climate”?

Read by clicking on blue lettered link below:

Report Reveals EPA has Ramped Up Foreign Handouts, Sending Millions to China, Russia, and the United Nations Despite Record Deficits, Looming Debt Ceiling, and Soaring Unemployment


Committee investigative staff has compiled a report detailing 65 foreign grants (excluding Canada and Mexico) totaling more than $27 million that the EPA has handed out since the stimulus was signed into law in February 2009.

Among the foreign handouts from the last two years are:
$718,000 to help China comply with both the Stockholm and Long Range Transport of Air Pollutants Convention
$700,000 for Thailand to recover methane gas at 12 pig farms
$1,226,841 for the United Nations to promote clean fuels
$150,000 for INTERPOL to combat fraud in carbon trading
$15,000 for Indonesia’s “Breathe Easy, Jakarta” publicity campaign

How much money does the United States give to the United Nations?

According to a United Nations Membership Assessment Report for 2009, the United States paid membership dues of $62,302,548, or approximately 22 percent of the U.N. annual budget for 2010. The European Union, Japan, and the USA cumulatively pay 80 percent of the total U.N. annual budget.



Why doesn’t Obama ask his “Buddy” Jeffrey Immelt (CEO of GE) to kick in some major dough from GE?  The Corporation of Obama’s “Economic advisor” didn’t PAY ONE DIME IN TAXES LAST YEAR even though GE had record profits…….

General Electric Paid No Federal Taxes in 2010

March 25, 2011

By Jake Tapper ABC News


The top tax bracket for U.S. corporations stands at 35 percent, one of the highest rates in the world. So how is it possible that a giant of American business, General Electric, paid nothing in federal taxes last year, even as it made billions in profit?

And should the CEO of GE, Jeffrey Immelt, be advising the president on business?

For two years, President Obama has been talking about the need for corporate tax reform, declaring that the system is too complicated and that companies pay too much.

“Simplify, eliminate loopholes, treat everybody fairly,” Obama said in February.

For those unaccustomed to the loopholes and shelters of the corporate tax code, GE’s success at avoiding taxes is nothing short of extraordinary. The company, led by Immelt, earned $14.2 billion in profits in 2010, but it paid not a penny in taxes because the bulk of those profits, some $9 billion, were offshore. In fact, GE got a $3.2 billion tax benefit.


Get the picture YET AMERICA?

PAY ATTENTION……DON’T be HOODWINKED by Obama and his minions.

If Obama taxes businesses to death……they will shutter and MORE jobs will be lost.

Did YOU ever get a job from a POOR PERSON?



Read by clicking on blue lettered link below

Obama throws Democrats’ Mediscare campaign off a cliff


Is Obama utilizing his UNION army and college age students as “Useful idiots”?

Useful idiots

by Thomas Sowell

LENIN is supposed to have referred to blind defenders and apologists for the Soviet Union in the Western democracies as “useful idiots.” Yet even Lenin might have been surprised at how far these useful idiots would carry their partisanship in later years — including our own times.

Stalin’s man-made famine in the Soviet Union during the 1930s killed more millions of people than Hitler killed in the Holocaust — and Mao’s man-made famine in China killed more millions than died in the USSR. Yet we not only hear little or nothing about either of these staggering catastrophes in the Communist world today, very little was said about them in the Western democracies while they were going on. Indeed, many useful idiots denied that there were famines in the Soviet Union or in Communist China.

The most famous of these was the New York Times’ Moscow correspondent, Walter Duranty, who won a Pulitzer prize for telling people what they wanted to hear, rather than what was actually happening. Duranty assured his readers that “there is no famine or actual starvation, nor is there likely to be.” Moreover, he blamed reports to the contrary on “rumor factories” with anti-Soviet bias.

It was decades later before the first serious scholarly study of that famine was written, by Robert Conquest of the Hoover Institution, always identified in politically correct circles as “right-wing.” Yet when the Soviets’ own statistics on the deaths during the famine were finally released, under Mikhail Gorbachev, they showed that the actual deaths exceeded even the millions estimated by Dr. Conquest.

Read more here……….


Useful Idiots utilizing Newspeak to the uniformed:


n. Deliberately ambiguous and contradictory language used to mislead and manipulate the public

Read more:


From a Marxist/Communist view:

The path ahead is toward more socialism to protect a fair distribution of wealth, and to restrain super high risk private corporate behavior and concentration, of power. “Too Big to Fail” means “Too Big to Remain in Private Control.”

More socialism does not mean the end of capitalism or markets. Competitive markets – that regulation insures remain competitive! – are democratizing. They are one known key to efficient – meaning productivity-enhancing – commodity production. They are an important, although hardly the only, factor in encouraging innovation.

Every generation re-invents and reproduces almost every facet of both public and private institutions and all relations of production and exchange, including social classes and the interactions of public and private property. The “more socialism” of the next generation will not be the same public institutions that arose in the big 20th century expansion of public sector activities across the world. It will be smarter, more scientific, more resilient and less bureaucratic or centralized. We will find the ways to make public institutions and services more accountable to,, and closer partners with, the people they serve. And it will be global in scope.



And for those of you thank THINK this is plausible; be prepared to WORK.  In order to receive government subsidy you will be required to WORK……

Michelle Obama: “Barack Will Require You to Work.”

LISTEN CAREFULLY FROM 1:12 to end of video.


Shedding light only scatters them……they will morph and utilize Marxist language, especially putting a PERSONAL story to it.  Example:  Norah “X” has worked three jobs to make ends meet, she has no health care, is raising umpteen kids on her own…….etc. WE MUST HAVE single-payer healthcare for everyone…….GET THE PICTURE AMERICA?

A personal story of what Americans WANT TO HEAR; not WHAT IS FEASIBLE AND POSSIBLE.

Be good little lemmings and fall in line……….




SINCE 1791


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