Assploding Hypocrisy: Obama Campaign Rips Romney For Refusing To Release Records…



From Weasel Zippers:

Obama’s transcripts unavailable for comment.

(NYT) — Mitt Romney, who is one of the wealthiest men ever to seek the presidency, said on Wednesday that he had no intention of releasing his tax returns if he became the Republican presidential nominee, breaking with a long tradition in both parties. […]

A spokesman for President Obama‘s re-election campaign blasted Mr. Romney and questioned whether he had something to hide in his finances.

“Why does Governor Romney feel like he can play by a different set of rules?” said Ben LaBolt, a spokesman for the Obama campaign. “What is it that he doesn’t want the American people to see? Governor Romney, who has favored secrecy over openness time after time, should live up to the same standard of disclosure his father and others set.”

The Democratic National Committee took only hours on Thursday to unveil a new Web site, The site allows visitors to select their income level and compare how much less they would have paid if they were taxed at what the group assumes would be Mr. Romney’s lower rate.

Doug Ross has this list of records Obama still hasn’t released:

1. Occidental College records and transcripts — Not released
2. Columbia University records and transcripts — Not released
3. Columbia Thesis paper — ‘not available’
4. Harvard University records and transcripts — Not released
5. Medical records — Not released
6. Illinois State Senate schedule — ‘not available’
7. Illinois State Senate records — ‘not available’
8. Law practice client list — Not released
9. Certified Copy of Original Birth certificate — Not released
10. Harvard Law Review articles published — None
11. University of Chicago scholarly articles — None
12. Record of Baptism — Not released or ‘not available’

Keep reading…


Had to clean my computer screen off from spewing coffee while literally LAUGHING!

The Goebbels Propaganda is ALIVE and WELL in the Obama re-election campaign!

Obama is hiding his records at Interpol.  WHY?



From the Obamafile:

INTERPOL‘s U.S. headquarters is conveniently located in Eric Holder’s Justice Department, so perhaps there will no longer be a need for Sandy Berger to raid the National Archives.

Inviolable archives means INTERPOL records are beyond US citizens’ Freedom of Information Act requests and from American legal or investigative discovery,” writes Steve Schippert and Clyde Middleton at  But why would the Obama administration want to allow an international police force to operate on American soil without constitutional restraints?




Obama and his campaign staff are HYPOCRITES!


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5 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Had to clean my computer screen off from spewing coffee while literally LAUGHING!

    That’s because you’re a moron.

    Where exactly is the liberal propaganda you’re so upset about? Or don’t you know what is meant by “propaganda?”


    Why Ben, what took you so long?

    Laughing at the HYPOCRISY Ben! Don’t you get it or are your brain cells not kicking in yet?

    SLOWLY, just for you:


    Still at the Natural Resources Defense Council? How convenient it is next door to WaPo.

    While your here: Merry Christmas!


  2. Romney was responsible for destroying thousands of jobs in the U.S. while at Bain Capital, but now he’s criticizing Obama’s record on job creation? Talk about hypocrisy.



    You are still missing the point!

    RELEASING of RECORDS…..Try to stay on subject matter here; I know it is hard for you Ben.

    Doug Ross has this list of records Obama still hasn’t released:

    1. Occidental College records and transcripts — Not released
    2. Columbia University records and transcripts — Not released
    3. Columbia Thesis paper — ‘not available’
    4. Harvard University records and transcripts — Not released
    5. Medical records — Not released
    6. Illinois State Senate schedule — ‘not available’
    7. Illinois State Senate records — ‘not available’
    8. Law practice client list — Not released
    9. Certified Copy of Original Birth certificate — Not released
    10. Harvard Law Review articles published — None
    11. University of Chicago scholarly articles — None
    12. Record of Baptism — Not released or ‘not available’


    Okay, let’s play your “game” about JOB creation.

    Here are a few questions for you Ben. WHY hasn’t there been a budget passed in over 900 days? The Dems were in charge of the House (2006-2010), the Senate and the White House (since 2009) yet ONLY jobs created were Federal jobs? STILL NO BUDGET.

    How did the Stimulus Bill work out? How many jobs were created? Don’t use the idiom of “saved or created”; that is old news. Try to give me ACTUAL, verifiable numbers with links please.

    What are your thoughts on Obama’s PLA Executive Order he signed less that three weeks after taking the oath of office? .

    What about the everyday worker that you Progressives call the “middle class”?

    Obama wants unemployment to continue with no end in sight. Do YOU have a problem with that? Do Progressives like yourself believe that unemployment money is better for an American than a job?

    How about drilling for resources in America? Obama’s answer? Talk about job creation!

    The Keystone Pipeline will create in the beginning thousands of jobs with additional jobs added after its completion. (BTW that is a Republican part of the payroll bill) Obama’s answer? Obama threatens to veto any bill that contains the Keystone pipeline.



  3. Obama wants unemployment to continue with no end in sight. Do YOU have a problem with that?

    Obama passed the Stimulus, that did indeed create or save millions of jobs. See CBO reports. He also tried to pass bills that would bring jobs back to the U.S. but were blocked by Republicans. He’s provided tax cuts, grants, and loans for small businesses. And the health care reform makes it easier for small businesses to provide health insurance for their employees.

    So tell me what bills have Republicans proposed that will create jobs.

    The Keystone pipeline will only create about 6500 jobs. It will create far more jobs in environmental cleanup if there’s a rupture, as is fairly common with the pipelines. And oil fracking is extremely dangerous to the environment and health.

    The Republican plan to create jobs is to fire government employees and allow companies to pollute. That’s almost as bizarre as belief in the virgin birth and resurrection.



    “that did indeed create or save millions of jobs”…please provide a link that actually substantiates this; not just YOUR WORDS.

    Oh noez, the Republicans want you to die of bad air; including Carbon Dioxide WE happen to exhale. Carbon Dioxide is needed for plants and trees on this planet to survive and use as their food!
    Plants and trees take in carbon dioxide and exhale OXYGEN.

    “Fire government employees”……? The public sector (Federal) employees drain the taxpayers for wages, retirement (some double dip with retirement through their Unions AND Social Security). The only ones I personally would like to see fired is the entire EPA department (ruling by fiat/edict through regulations and circumventing Congress) and the entire DOE (Give Education BACK to the States).

    What are your thoughts on this?

    Federal Loans Fund Big Ticket Energy Projects at Firms OUTSIDE of the United States?

    Federal Loans Fund Big-Ticket Energy Projects at Firms Outside of U.S



    Want to Know what $$ go OUT of Washington?

    Want to Know WHAT $$ go OUT of Washington? “Raising the Debt Ceiling” For Dummies


    “Obama passed the Stimulus, that did indeed create or save millions of jobs. See CBO reports. He also tried to pass bills that would bring jobs back to the U.S. but were blocked by Republicans. He’s provided tax cuts, grants, and loans for small businesses.”

    Oh, yes Ben, Obama has given out $$. Look below:

    1. Solyndra Problems

    2. Tonopah: Nancy Pelosi’s Brother-in-law benefitted from this “grant”.

    3. Obama Administration gives Gore-connected company a HALF BILLION dollars to build electric cars …In Finland.…-finland/

    4.Rep. George Miller and Sun Power: (Yet Another)…..Solar Firm That Received $1.2 Billion Federal Loan Plagued by Financial Problems.

    5.Solyndra part Deux? Colorado “Green Jobs” Farm Sheds Jobs After Receiving $200 Million In Stimulus Funds“green-jobs”-farm-sheds-jobs-after-receiving-200-million-in-stimulus-funds/

    6.Soueeeee! Solyndra Scandal Has K Street busy Assisting Solar Companies to the Trough ($$) with Obama’s DOE Guarantee Loan Program.

    7. Another Failed Stimulus Project: Tennessee Electrified Truck Terminal Files for Bankruptcy After $400,000 Stimulus Injection

    8.Thread: Company that owns Zuccotti “Protester” Park Just got 168 Million Loan Guarantee from Obama DOE!!!!…Thick as Thieves!!!!

    9.RFK, Jr. Fails to Refute Key Details of His Sweetheart Deal from Taxpayers.

    10. The Case of CH2M Hill: $2 Billion in Crony Stimulation

    11. 80% of “Green Energy” Loans Went to Obama’s Top Donors

    12. When is Someone in this Administration Going to Jail????

    13. US Navy Paying $15/gallon for green fuel (Obama Crony Involved)

    14. Blank-Check Bailout for Fannie and Freddie Means Taxpayers Get a Lump of Coal from Obama


    Obama says We Have Become “Lazy”; Yet……How President Obama Killed Thousands of Jobs (Energy Sector)

    Will Obama utilize the Keystone Pipeline as part of his campaign in 2012?

    Obama was First against it but will be FOR it around May or June 2012 so he can say he “created jobs”…Obama will probably wait until AFTER he receives maximum donations from The Sierra Club, The Tides Foundation, etc.


    “So tell me what bills have Republicans proposed that will create jobs.”

    Want to know where all the House-passed jobs bills are? Stuck in the Senate. Is Harry Reid Enabling Obama’s Power Grab?


    Liberal Nightmare? Lyndon Johnson Started the “Raid” on Social Security $$ for Other Government Programs. Jimmy Carter Expanded Big Government. Obama’s Got the Shovel.

    Liberal Nightmare? Lyndon Johnson Started the “Raid” on Social Security $$ for Other Government Programs. Jimmy Carter Expanded Big Government. Obama’s Got the Shovel.

    Why Democrats are Pushing the $165 Billion UNION Pension Bailout

    Why Democrats are Pushing the $165 Billion UNION Pension Bailout


    As a BONUS:

    Obama’s Clarion Call to the Far Left Oswatomie Style; Utilizing “Anchoring” and “Kinesthetic Swishing”

    History Of The Democrats And The KKK

    Confronting Civil War Revisionism:
    Why the South Went To War

    US House puts Oceans, Coasts under UN: Senate vote will Seal the Deal (October 4, 2010)




  4. Good morning:

    Just wanted run a little other D.C. humor by you!

    As a tribute to the former mayor Of D.C., Marion Barry, I have dedicated the weekly TGIF segment at The Political Commentator to him, selecting the alcoholic beverage that fits his style to a T.

    You can find out the name of it here:


  5. […] Assploding Hypocrisy: Obama Campaign Rips Romney For Refusing To Release Records… […]

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