Elizabeth Warren, in a 1% Wealth Position in America, Can’t Have It Both Ways. “Left” Side of her Mouth Bloviates, yet “Right” Side of her Mouth Silent



***Facts are Pesky Things***

Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.  John Adams


From the Boston Herald:

By Holly Robichaud

January 16, 2012

Who was it who bitterly said no one gets rich on their own? None other than the self-proclaimed champion of the middle class, Harvard professor Lizzy Warren.

Well, she should know. After finally filing her financial disclosure forms, it is clear that Lizzy is a member of the 1 percent. [Emphasis added]

When a candidate initially enters a race, he or she usually conducts a vulnerability study to investigate potential problems in his or her background. One of the ultimate goals of this research is to prevent the candidate from making false claims or attacking an opponent on a difficulty they share. You don’t want to be a hypocrite.

Warren’s people either failed to do one or decided that because Lizzy is a Democrat, they can do anything they want and never be held accountable. Why not? No one held Gov. Deval Patrick responsible for lying about cutting property taxes. U.S. Rep. John Tierney has not been forced to explain his claims of ignorance about his wife’s illegal activities. I could go on and on.

Lizzy has suggested she believes it takes a village to get rich. Her experience indicates it actually takes a part-time job at Harvard. In 2009, her salary was $350,000 and she earned $429,000 for 2010 and 2011.

She also raked in $136,000 in royalties from her books, $10,000 for lecturing at a Boston law firm, $90,000 for consulting for a Florida law firm and $43,000 for working for Traveler’s Insurance.

Wait one minute; I thought insurance compan– ies were evil, according to the Obama administration.

Let’s not forget the Oklahoma transplant earned a hefty salary for part-time government work. As a special adviser for President Obama, she was compensated $165,000 from September 2010 through August 2011 and she received $192,000 for serving on the Congressional panel overseeing TARP.

So we can say that based on her own experience, she’s at least part right. No one gets rich on his or her own . . . when they are working for the government. Because that’s taxpayer money.

Just like every other middle-class household in Massachusetts, her investments are valued at $3 million. Is her middle name Forbes?

Her home is estimated to be worth $1 million to $5 million. That doesn’t cut her out of the 99 percent because it is located in the politically correct neighborhood of Cambridge. It is middle class when you compare it to the pads of her fellow Democrats, U.S. Sen. John Kerry and Gov. Deval Patrick.

The only thing that could make her a more hypocritical class warrior is if she anchored a yacht in Rhode Island.




Capital, created by the labour of the worker, crushes the worker, ruining small proprietors and creating an army of unemployed.

Lenin, The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism (1913)


**Is Elizabeth Warren, running for the position of Senator of Massachusetts against Scott Brown, actually manipulating and twisting Lenin’s quote above?**

***Listen carefully from 0:50 to 1:50 minutes of video**


An interesting pickup:  LOOK who is speaking to the Democratic Socialist leaning Congressional Progressive Caucus!

ELIZABETH WARREN who is now running against Scott Brown in Massachusetts!



Meet the Supporters and Sympathizers of #OWS; The Mask Comes Off


Mass. masquerader

Elizabeth Warren, populist fraud


What is Obama’s Chief Consumer Affairs Advisor Elizabeth Warren Hiding from Congress?


From the Washington Examiner:

What is Elizabeth Warren hiding from Congress?

June 5, 2011

By: Examiner Editorial

There is presently no award for the most evasive witness testifying before Congress, but if there were, the winner hands down thus far in 2011 would almost certainly be President Obama’s chief consumer affairs adviser, Elizabeth Warren. On multiple occasions this year, members of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee have asked Warren, a former Harvard University professor, simple, direct questions about her decisions and actions regarding the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. In response, Warren has resolutely responded with a systematic evasion that cries out for a contempt of Congress citation.

Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., hasn’t threatened Warren with contempt, at least not yet. For the moment, he prefers to provide her with one more opportunity to answer legitimate questions from Congress. In a letter to Warren following her May 24 offering of artful equivocation before one of his panel’s subcommittees, Issa said: “In light of the inability of all members of the subcommittee to have an opportunity to ask you questions, and your unwillingness to provide direct and responsive answers to a number of important questions, the committee would like to further discuss your plans for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the design and funding of the agency, and the limited checks and balances that apply to it.” Since she refused to be honest with the subcommittee, Issa summoned her to appear before the full committee, which will, he promised Warren, “fulfill its constitutional duty to provide this necessary oversight.”

A review of the transcript of that May 24 subcommittee hearing reveals multiple examples of Warren’s evasiveness on matters over which Congress, and especially the House of Representatives, has unquestioned authority. For example, Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle, R-N.Y., asked Warren why the CFPB website lists salary ranges for 10 new employees as $72,000 to $149,000. The duties for the 10 jobs are comparable to those of a GS-9 in the federal Civil Service, which has a salary range of $41,000 to $54,000. The honest answer would have been that the CFPB must compete with salaries paid in the financial sector, which are considerably higher on average than those in the civil service. Instead, Warren attempted to use the question for a lengthy dissertation on the public administration and management theory behind the new agency’s enacting legislation. Buerkle interrupted after listening to several minutes of Warren’s filibuster and demanded a direct answer. Warren resumed the filibuster, but finally got the point about salary disparities between the government and private sector.

There is a maxim from the Watergate days that the cover-up is always worse than the crime.



Could it be Warren wants to Nationalize Banks through regulation a la Consumer Protection?  Does Warren condone revolution?

Watch and pay CLOSE ATTENTION STARTING AT -2:40 to -3:12

Is Obama building his Politburo one step at a time?

Related links:

Obama’s plan for America is President-assisted suicide. Is Obama Building A Politburo?

Obama-Labor Fascism Reported. Will YOU Read this America?


Is Obama Creating a Politburo Right Under American’s Noses?


Obama Building a Politburo; ONE step at a Time

Obama has circumvented Congress and gave more power to the EPA.  See THIS CHART.


“The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation – enlightened as it is – if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men.”

 -Samuel Adams”



