The Antithesis of the Teaparty? September 17th, 2011 is set to be a Day of Rage. Uhm…Department of Homeland Security…Will YOU read THIS?


From the Examiner/ Boise Conservative:

By Bill Turner

July 31, 2011

Day Of Rage:

September 17th, 2011 is set to be a Day of Rage. The leftists call this a non-violent event, yet their website, Craigslist ads and Facebook postings include information on how to resist arrest, protest in jail and fight the legal system. The anarchists, Marxists and communists have put together a plan, from start to finish, to takeover America. There will be trouble. The only real question, at this point, is what are the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the NSA and others going to do to stop this? So far, no one in the media is talking about this insurrection, aside from Glenn Beck who told of it months ago. What will you and your family do to do be safe and save our way of life? It is obvious that the commander in chief has no intention of stopping this coming event, these are, after all, his political base.

The purveyors of the Day of Rage have done their best to make their cause sound as if it is Libertarian or Conservative, but as one reads through the material, it becomes apparent that they are masking their origins and intent. Corporations are blamed for much of the ills, including the suppression of “free and fair elections“. Hiding under the guise of ‘one person/one vote’ and campaign finance reform, fitting the ideology of B. Hussein Obama, as stated in his chastising of the Supreme Court during his State of the Union Address, they seek to implement social justice and a democracy, undermining the republic and electoral college process, turning elections into a popularity contest.

The Anti-American organizers of this even, seek to have protests in all fifty state capitolsthe nations capitol and to crush the capitalist economy by disrupting Wall Street. Despite repeatedly stating their goal is non-violence, this subversive organization lists the following among their plans:

* They call for civil disobedience and include plans on how to disrupt court, arrest and the jail system.

* Civil disobedience training is available.

* Directions on responding with resistance to being restrained.

* Classes on forming Affinity Groups and collectively resisting law enforcement.

* Step by step processes for reducing infiltration by law enforcement and what to do after arrest (if you peaceful, why plans on after arrest?).

* Directions on getting arrested, disrupting court, jail, booking and going on hunger/water strikes (Choosing to kill yourselves saves taxpayers money and it is encouraged).

* A legal process flow chart is included, as well as how to make more trouble in court (Always a good move, judges like that).

*  Jail solidarity is addressed, which is unusual for a non-violent demonstration (You will become a jail bride).

* How to record audio and video covertly, during acts of civil disobedience (This stinks of a set up, to antagonize law enforcement into acting).

 Online civil disobedience is covered. Law abiding people call this hacking, sabotage, and illegal, in most cases.

This “non-violent” Day of Rage, which sounds like a national temper tantrum for spoiled children, also includes a   call to arms. To be clear, a “call to arms” is issued prior to or during a violent event. Interesting that no one in the media or law enforcement has addressed this, or taken the time to warn Americans about the lefts call to arms. Monitoring the Twitter account of this group makes it clear that the anarchists, Marxists and collectivists have taken over and the intent of this group is much more than the “non-violence” they preach in between their “call to arms”.

The violent, non-violent revolutionaries have an interesting list of partners, sponsors and groups they identify with. The European Revolution is one such group. They have had a lot of non-violent protests that resulted in large scale riots and destruction of property. Take The Square is part of this revolutionary event and they support/endorse the riots in Greece that have been taking place. The group Occupy Wall Street is also part of this conglomeration of anarchists seeking to unite (which defeats the purpose…kind of like asking the clerk at the book store where the “Self Help” section is) on September 17, 2011. Even the Pro-Islamic leftists are represented, by WL Central (Wikileaks Central) and their irrational demands. The anarchists at the “non-violent” Day of Rage support two other anarchist groups, whom they openly admire, IRC AnonOps and Lulzsecurity.

Glenn Beck warned the nation of the coming leftist, Islamic storm. Like a dust cloud in the distance, it is almost upon us. Our government, our security agencies and the media have ignored the coming storm, making them part of the problem, not the solution. Given the Marxist leanings of the media, combined with our blatantly communist President, B. Hussein Obama, if that is his real name, and the shadow government of czars he has set up, a revolutionary storm, striking America, at approximately the same time America sees a credit downgrade and a pending food crisis (The government and media remain silent on the fires, lack of rain and flooding that has diminished our nations food supplies), it is the perfect time for disruption and Martial Law. For a President behind in the polls and failing at implementing “fundamental change” in America, this would enable his official oligarchy to begin. It has always been a question of “when” not “if”. We now know when.

The only remaining question is: What will you do?

Continue reading on …….


Is SOMEONE or SOME group trying to emulate the Bill Ayers and/or the Weather Underground?

TheDays of Rage, their first public demonstration on October 8, 1969, was a riot in Chicago timed to coincide with the trial of the Chicago Seven. [Emphasis added]

In 1970 the group issued a “Declaration of a State of War” against the United States government, under the name “Weather Underground Organization” (WUO).

The Weathermen grew out of the Revolutionary Youth Movement (RYM) faction of SDS. It took its name from the lyric “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows“, from the Bob Dylan song “Subterranean Homesick Blues“. You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows was the title of a position paper they distributed at an SDS convention in Chicago on June 18, 1969. This founding document called for a “white fighting force” to be allied with the “Black Liberation Movement” and other radical movements[5] to achieve “the destruction of US imperialism and achieve a classless world: world communism.[6]



“Day of Rage”……the name of Middle East uprisings?

Read by clicking on blue letters below

Did Muslim Brotherhood Learn ‘Day of Rage’ Egypt Protest Tactics From Obama Allies Bill Ayers and Code Pink?



OR could it be VAN JONES once again “stirring the pot”?

According to his own account, Van Jones became a “communist” during a prison term he served after being arrested during the 1992 Los Angeles race riots.  For the next ten years Jones was an activist in the Maoist organization STORM — “Stand Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement.”  When STORM disintegrated Jones joined the Apollo Alliance and the Center for American Progress Democrats.  As he explained to the East Bay Express in a 2005 article, he still considered himself a “revolutionary, but just a more effective one.”  “Before,” he told the Express, “we would fight anybody, any time.  No concession was good enough;… Now, I put the issues and constituencies first.  I’ll work with anybody, I’ll fight anybody if it will push our issues forward…. I’m willing to forgo the cheap satisfaction of the radical pose for the deep satisfaction of radical ends.”



Read the S.T.O.R.M manual HERE…….(pdf file)



People Of Color Groups Gather to Stand In Solidarity With Arab Americans and to Mourn the East Coast Dead


Source  :  Ella Baker Center for Human Rights

People Of Color Groups Gather to Stand In Solidarity With Arab Americans and to Mourn the East Coast Dead

(OAKLAND) Community-based organizations led by people of color will hold a “Solidarity Gathering” and candle light vigil on Wednesday night to support the Arab American community, which is suffering from a tidal wave of bigotry in the wake of Tuesday’s bombings in New York City and Washington, D.C.

The “Solidarity Gathering” will take place at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, September 12, 2001. The location will be Snow Park, at 19th and Harrison, in downtown Oakland. Snow Park is about three blocks from the 17th Street BART Station, near the lake.

The purpose of the gathering will be to give leaders from communities of color an opportunity to speak out in support of the Arab community, while condemning the attacks and mourning the dead.

Among the organizations endorsing this gathering are: the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, Let’s Get Free, Youth Force Coalition, JustAct, Bay Area PoliceWatch, Underground Railroad and STORM/Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement.

“Anti-Arab hostility is already reaching a fever pitch as pundits and common people alike rush to judgment that an Arab group is responsible for this tragedy,” said Van Jones, national executive director of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights. “We fear that an atmosphere is being created that will result in official and street violence against Arab men, women and children.”

“No matter who ultimately is to blame for these bombings, we cannot tolerate stereotypes and blanket attacks against any ethnic group,” said Raquel of STORM. “And we especially don’t want Asian-American, African-American, Latino or Native American communities getting pulled into a frenzy of hatred toward our sisters and brothers. We must stand together.”

Though people of color in particular will be invited to speak at the gathering, but everyone is welcome.

For more information, please contact:
Robin Templeton, Ella Baker Center for Human Rights

Tina Bartolome, Underground Railroad




This statement represents the postion of STORM/Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement.


1. Oppose terrorism, and build people’s power: We mourn the loss of life and the great pain endured by those who have suffered as a result of these attacks. Those of us who desire a world free from exploitation and oppression must rely on the consciousness, capacity and confidence of working class and oppressed people to carry out our own liberation. There are no shortcuts in this process. Acts of terrorism against civilian targets do not advance this process, but retard it. We oppose the use of terror tactics – especially such tactics against civilian populations as destructive to the fundamental aims of the liberation movement. We must organize our people to liberate themselves with the clarity of their own minds, the courage of their own hearts and the work of their own hands.

2. Oppose the narrowing or elimination of the people’s democratic rights: The U.S. government must stop using the suffering of the victims of these attacks as an excuse to narrow and eliminate the people’s democratic rights. We oppose any and all efforts to increase the funding and authority of U.S. police and intelligence agencies as a “solution” to this crisis. We express our disgust at the present attempts by the U.S. security and surveillance establishment to turn this tragedy into a cash-cow bonanza – or to use it to mask a cynical power grab. We oppose any efforts to wipe out the people’s fragile and precious privacy rights; we oppose any efforts to curtail the people’s basic First Amendment rights to assemble, speak, publish, protest and organize free from government harassment and surveillance. We must now be extraordinarily vigilant against threats directed against the people – not from underground cells, but from the highest levels of government.

3. Rely on global justice to deter future attacks:
The system, in the United States and worldwide, has continually denied peaceful, “legitimate” attempts by those seeking justice and freedom. Through its own reckless, violent and oppressive actions against poor people and people of color, the United States government has fueled frustration, grief and outrage here and around the world. Suffering under the boot of poverty, people around the world are becoming more and more desperate. Neither police repression at home nor U.S. bombs abroad will ease this fundamental despair; instead, they will only continue this vicious cycle of frustration and violence. Ordinary people in the United States can best deter future attacks by insisting that the U.S. government abandon its oppressive role of keeping down workers and dominating poor nations around the world. Increasingly, safety at home will require justice abroad. Intensified police crackdowns at home and military savagery abroad are not the answer; the answer is justice. We must not allow the United States to respond with bombs for Third World people and continued support for repressive dictatorships and rapacious corporations. Instead, we demand that the US respond to this crisis with efforts to meet the legitimate demands of the majority of the human family.

4. Oppose racist, anti-Arab bigotry: The media is already feeding the frenzy of anti-Arab hysteria. All people and especially African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Latinas/os and Native Americans ?>must stand in solidarity with our Arab and Muslim sisters and brothers.



American Dream Movement

Formally launched at a June 23, 2011 New York City rally which was keynoted by Van Jones and co-sponsored by, the American Dream Movement (ADM) vows to “stand up to say ‘No’ to right-wing attacks on the middle class”—attacks that allegedly have placed “the American Dream … under siege.”

A few days after the publication of Van Jones’ article, a host of “American Dream” protests and rallies—conceived by Jones—were staged in numerous cities across the United States. Most of these events had a heavy socialist and anarchist presence, particularly the main gathering in Washington, DC where Jones himself delivered a speech. The permit for that DC rally was filed by the International Socialist Organization.



Is there a REASON for this to happen on September 17th?

September 17 is CONSTITUTION DAY


Is there a tie-in to the above?

