Is Obama Emulating Elizabeth Warren or “Rehashing” Socialist Ideology?




Good Grief… Obama: People Don’t Get Rich Without Government Investment (Video)

Posted by Jim Hoft

January 27, 2012

Yup. He’s a socialist alright… A hardcore committed socialist.

Barack Obama, the worst jobs president since the Great Depression, told an audience today that people don’t get rich without government investment.

And, you wonder why his economic policies are a complete disaster?

Via Breitbart TV:

From the video:

“We’re successful because somebody started the University of Michigan. We’re successful because somebody made an investment in all the federal research labs that created the internet…. We’re successful because somebody built roads and bridges…. And if we all understand that we’ve got to pay for this stuff, it makes sense for those of us who’ve done best to do our fair share and to try to pass off that bill on to somebody else, that’s not right. That’s not who we are.”



Now listen to Elizabeth Warren running for U.S. Senate (against Scott Brown) in Massachusetts.

Elizabeth Warren on Fair Taxation

September 21, 2011

“There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody. You built a factory out there – good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for.  You didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory… Now look. You built a factory and it turned into something terrific or a great idea – God Bless! Keep a Big Hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along.” – 


For those that don’t know Elizabeth Warren go HERE.


Don’t think Elizabeth Warren is a Socialist?  LOOK at the picture below:  Elizabeth Warren is meeting with Congressional Progressive Caucus. (Started by Openly Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont)





Private Cocktail Party At White House For Progressives: Pushing for BIG Agenda?

Posted: 2/19/09

Obama And Michelle Ask Progressive Groups For Help Driving White House Agenda

At a private White House cocktail reception last night for leaders of major progressive groups, Barack Obama and his wife Michelle appealed to these leaders and signaled that their groups would play a key role in driving the big progressive changes at the heart of the White House’s legislative agenda, an attendee tells me.

The message was that these groups would be valuable as a kind of progressive outside “echo chamber,” as the attendee puts it.

The party — which was organized by top Obama aide Valerie Jarrett — signals that the White House is moving forward with efforts to build coordination with outside progressive groups in order to drive the White House’s message and beat back its foes. As I reported recently, Jarrett is at the center of those efforts.

Obama didn’t give a talk, and the President, Michelle, and Joe Biden mingled informally with various groups of progressive leaders. The message, the attendee adds, was that “it’s very clear that there will need to be an echo chamber and a way for groups on the outside to build the case for big progressive legislation.”

“The gist was, `We’re gonna need people out there telling the story of the stimulus and telling the story about how much we need big health care reform and clean energy and green jobs,’” the attendee says.

Among those on the guest list: Labor leaders Jimmy Hoffa, Gerry McEntee and Andy Stern; MoveOn’s Eli Pariser; Sierra Club’s Carl Pope; Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richardson; and Joe Solomonese of the Human Rights Campaign.

Word of the gathering first leaked out when Ben Smith posted Andy Stern’s Twitter saying he’d just been at the reception.

This is a key development for progressive leaders; more soon.

Update: We have a lot more detail for you on the meeting right here.


Obama To Progressive Leaders: We Have A Lot More To Do

Here’s some more interesting detail on the reception that President Obama, Michelle and Joe Biden hosted for progressive leaders last night at the White House, which I described below.

A second attendee emails me to describe Obama making the rounds and congratulating each leader personally for their work in helping pass the stimulus package.

“He was in good spirits -– spent a lot of time with each person,” the attendee emails. “Lots of congratulations being passed around. But when I could hear him he always turned to what’s next: We have a lot more to do -– energy, health care, etc.”

Obama also displayed a fairly intimate knowledge of what the groups had done to push the stim, such as the big Americans United for Change ad campaign.

“He was well aware of the work that had gone on –- including the ads,” the attendee emails.

“People were very excited -– if I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say, `It’s nice to be back in the White House after eight years,’ I could buy a nice lunch today,” the attendee adds.

One other fun detail, involving chief of staff Rahm Emanuel: “It was interesting,” the attendee emails. “Rahm came in the room and pulled Obama aside to share something. But it didn’t look all that urgent –- or at least it wasn’t bad. Whatever news he gave him got a big smile from the President and a half bear hug.”