(Sandra Fluke) Obama Tactic Trying to make Republicans Look Like Women Haters? Or an Obama Tactic about Forcing Employer/University Mandate for Taxpayer Coverage of Uninsured?



We all have heard the back and forth between the Leftists supporting Sandra Fluke and the attacks on Rush Limbaugh for his outspoken push back over birth control.

What YOU are about to read, take it in, think it over and draw your own conclusions.


Stunner. Georgetown “Coed” Sandra Fluke Is a 30 Year-Old Women’s Rights Activist

by Jim Hoft

March 2, 2012

What a shock! It was all a BIG PRODUCTION!
The Democrat’s token abused college coed is actually a 30 year-old hardcore women’s rights activist.

Sandra Fluke is also the past president of Law Students for Reproductive Justice.

Difficulty viewing video? Click link Here.

Jammie Wearing Fool reported:

I put that in quotes because in the beginning she was described as a Georgetown law student. It was then revealed that prior to attending Georgetown she was an active women’s right advocate. In one of her first interviews she is quoted as talking about how she reviewed Georgetown’s insurance policy prior to committing to attend, and seeing that it didn’t cover contraceptive services, she decided to attend with the express purpose of battling this policy. During this time, she was described as a 23-year-old coed. Magically, at the same time Congress is debating the forced coverage of contraception, she appears and is even brought to Capitol Hill to testify. This morning, in an interview with Matt Lauer on the Today show, it was revealed that she is 30 years old, NOT the 23 that had been reported all along.

In other words, folks, you are being played. She has been an activist all along and the Dems were just waiting for the appropriate time to play her.

Unreal. This was all just a big dishonest Democrat ploy to take the attention off of Barack Obama’s assault on religious freedom.
It figures.




From Illinois Review:

March 2, 2012

Earlier today on Illinois Review we posted a controversial YouTube of Sandra Fluke’s testimony before a House Committee on the topic of the Obamacare Health and Human Services mandate.  Just a short time ago, we received the following mass email from the Center for American Progress, which blasts Rush Limbaugh and conservative lawmakers for promoting the Constitution’s First Amendment over a government mandate guised as a health care provision.

There’s no way to aptly describe the contempt brewing among radical Lefitsts, so we thought it best to just let them speak for themselves – so you know what the Left is saying about this discussion.  It’s surely to be a key issue in the upcoming presidential election.  It already is.

Center for American Progress’ letter:

Dear Friend,

Rush Limbaugh has gone way too far.

All week, he has unleashed a hateful tirade against 30-year-old Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke, calling her a “slut” and a “prostitute.” He even demanded that Fluke post sex tapes online so he could watch.

No, really. That disgusting stuff is actually what he said.

Fluke believes birth control should be covered by insurance plans because a friend needs oral contraception to control ovarian cysts, but couldn’t get it through her school’s insurance.

To Rush, this meant Fluke deserved to be bombarded with the most revolting, sexist insults imaginable.

Limbaugh has crossed the line. He isn’t just attacking Sandra Fluke—he’s attacking all women. We need to take a stand NOW against Limbaugh’s revolting behavior.

Click here to sign our petition and let Sandra Fluke know that you are on her side.

Last night, Fluke responded to Limbaugh: “No woman deserves to be disrespected in this manner. This language … has been used throughout history to silence our voices.”

She’s absolutely right. Let’s show her how much support she has in this fight. Please sign our petition to stand with Sandra Fluke.

The politicians who regularly appear on Rush Limbaugh’s show have been notably silent in the face of his vicious attacks on women. Let’s send them a message now by speaking together with a clear voice.

I stand with Sandra Fluke. I hope you will too.


Neera Tanden

President of the Center for American Progress,
Counselor to the Center for American Progress Action Fund



WHO is Neera Tanden?

President of the Center for American Progress and Counselor to the Center for American Progress Action Fund

February 2, 2011:

Neera Tanden is the President of the Center for American Progress and Counselor to the Center for American Progress Action Fund.

Tanden has served in both the Obama and Clinton administrations as well as presidential campaigns and think tanks. Most recently, Tanden served as the Chief Operating Officer for the Center, leading strategic planning of the organization, managing all operations including all of the organization’s finance and fundraising efforts, and serving as a key member of CAP’s executive team. Tanden focused the organization on measuring the impact of the Center’s work and during her tenure as COO the Center’s financial position has been strengthened.

Tanden previously served as senior advisor for health reform at the Department of Health and Human Services, advising Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and working on President Obama’s health reform team in the White House to pass the bill. In that role she developed policies around reform and worked with Congress on particular provisions of the legislation.

Prior to that, Tanden was the director of domestic policy for the Obama-Biden presidential campaign, where she managed all domestic policy proposals. Tanden also served as policy director for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign where she directed all policy work, ranging from domestic policy to the economy to foreign affairs, and managed day-to-day policy announcements. In that role she also oversaw the debate preparation process for then-Sen. Clinton (D-NY).

Before the presidential campaign, Tanden was Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs at CAP. She was one of the first senior staff members at the Center, joining as Senior Vice President for Domestic Policy when CAP first opened its doors. In between, Tanden was legislative director for Sen. Clinton, where she oversaw all policy in the Senate office. In 2000 she was Hillary Clinton’s deputy campaign manager and issues director for her Senate campaign in New York. Tanden also served as associate director for domestic policy in the Clinton White House and senior policy advisor to the first lady.

Tanden currently has a regular column for The New Republic online and has appeared on the “NewsHour with Jim Lehrer,” MSNBC, CNN, and Fox. She received her bachelor of science from UCLA and her law degree from Yale Law School.



Neera Tanden has also had her letter posted on Campus Progress; another arm of the Center for American Progress:

Campus Progress Logo

Rush Limbaugh has gone way too far.Dear Friend

All week, he has unleashed a hateful tirade against 30-year-old Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke, calling her a “slut” and a “prostitute.” He even demanded that Fluke post sex tapes online so he could watch.

No, really. That disgusting stuff is actually what he said.

Fluke believes birth control should be covered by insurance plans because a friend needs oral contraception to control ovarian cysts, but couldn’t get it through her school’s insurance.

To Rush, this meant Fluke deserved to be bombarded with the most revolting, sexist insults imaginable.

Limbaugh has crossed the line. He isn’t just attacking Sandra Fluke—he’s attacking all women. We need to take a stand NOW against Limbaugh’s revolting behavior.

Click here to sign our petition and let Sandra Fluke know that you are on her side.

Last night, Fluke responded to Limbaugh: “No woman deserves to be disrespected in this manner. This language … has been used throughout history to silence our voices.”

She’s absolutely right. Let’s show her how much support she has in this fight. Please sign our petition to stand with Sandra Fluke.

The politicians who regularly appear on Rush Limbaugh’s show have been notably silent in the face of his vicious attacks on women. Let’s send them a message now by speaking together with a clear voice.

I stand with Sandra Fluke. I hope you will too.


Neera Tanden

President of the Center for American Progress,
Counselor to the Center for American Progress Action Fund




Trying to get Georgetown University  involved:

How Georgetown Can (And Should) Stick Up For Sandra Fluke

March 2, 2012

Our Guest Blogger is Reid Setzer, an Intern at the Center for American Progress Action Fund and a student at Georgetown Law

Earlier today, Georgetown University President John J. DeGioia issued a letter to members of the Georgetown community supporting Georgetown University Law Student Sandra Fluke and criticizing those who responded to her testimony by labeling her a ?slut? or a ?prostitute?:

In recent days, a law student of Georgetown, Sandra Fluke, offered her testimony regarding the proposed regulations by the Department of Health and Human Services before a group of members of Congress. She was respectful, sincere, and spoke with conviction. She provided a model of civil discourse. This expression of conscience was in the tradition of the deepest values we share as a people. One need not agree with her substantive position to support her right to respectful free expression. And yet, some of those who disagreed with her position ? including Rush Limbaugh and commentators throughout the blogosphere and in various other media channels ? responded with behavior that can only be described as misogynistic, vitriolic, and a misrepresentation of the position of our student.

The Dean of Georgetown Law School, William M. Treanor, also issued a letter to the Law Center community in support of Ms. Fluke, labeling the vile statements made about her as ?the basest sort of name-calling and vilification, words that aim only to belittle and intimidate.? The letter was signed by the majority of the faculty of the Law Center, as well as Father Alexei Michalenko of the Law Center Campus Ministry.

DeGioia, Treanor and their colleagues all deserve credit for standing by Fluke. Yet they are hardly going out on a limb by saying it is unacceptable to compare a woman seeking contraceptive treatment to a prostitute. Presently, Georgetown’s health plans provide contraceptive coverage for faculty members and staff, but they deny the very same coverage to most students. In the wake of these comments, DeGioia and the leadership should take the logical next step of ensuring that she enjoys the very same coverage as her professors.




Is the Center for American Progress ACTUALLY the Soros funded “Shadow Party”? Does Obama actually Follow CAP’s Instructions?


LSRJ Proudly Stands With Member Sandra Fluke

March 2, 2012 Law Students for Reproductive Justice supports and applauds Sandra Fluke as she navigates the national spotlight with humility, professionalism, and determination.



Jill E. Adams, Esq. Executive Director Law Students for Reproductive Justice 1730 Franklin Street, Suite 212 Oakland, CA 94611 (t) 510.622.8135 ▪ (f) 510.622.8138 ▪ (c) 510.333.5339

Oakland, CA – Law Students for Reproductive Justice (LSRJ) is proud of our member Sandra Fluke for her courage and commitment in the face of cruelty. Fluke is the Georgetown law student whose contraceptive access advocacy has been called into question with language that falls, as Fluke said in her press statement, “far beyond the acceptable bounds of civil discourse.” Such personal attacks are intended to shame women out of advocacy and into silence, but Fluke refuses to back down, “No woman deserves to be disrespected in this manner. This language is an attack on all women, and has been used throughout history to silence our voices.”

LSRJ amplifies the voices of student leaders, like Fluke, throughout the country, preparing the next generation of lawyers, judges, and elected officials to stand up for the reproductive rights of all people – from the margins to the mainstream. LSRJ members are not only poised to influence law, policy, and public opinion in the future, they are already making an impact in the present. Representative Elijah Cummings illustrated this fact by telling Fluke, “…out of your desire and your classmates’ desires to make a difference, you now have not only Congress listening to you, but the country listening to you, and that is a powerful thing.

Fluke’s storytelling, on behalf of fellow students at Catholic institutions, is indeed a powerful thing. She credits LSRJ for enabling her to bear witness to the tragic consequences of bans on contraceptive coverage in student health insurance, The LSRJ national office has been critical in connecting our campus activists to national advocacy organizations, media, and government decision makers. Without them, no one would know about our efforts and the needs of students on our campus.

Contraceptive equity and access are key components of reproductive justice. LSRJ believes that contraception should receive the same treatment as other prescription medications, including insurance coverage, availability, and affordability.


LSRJ trains and mobilizes law students and new lawyers across the country to foster legal expertise and support for the realization of reproductive justice.




I love the way Obama “smooches” up to Sandra Fluke about this whole charade.

This is just a two-fer tactic for Obama:

1.  Stir up the women base of the Democrat Party against Republicans basically labelling them as “women haters”.

2..  Stir up college campus women about the price of contraception.  WHY doesn’t Obama promote more abstinence instead of promiscuity?


Where was Obama when these incidents happened?


Sarah Palin Is A C*nt say Obama Supporters. They wear T-Shirts that call Sarah Palin The C-Word. Sarah Palin tshirts.

Video Link


Low-brow: Bill Maher says Sarah Palin is a ‘dumb twat’

Video Link



Saul Alinsky “Rules for Radicals” Tactics:

Rule 8: Keep the pressure on. Use different tactics and actions and use all events of the period for your purpose. “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. It is this that will cause the opposition to react to your advantage.”

Rule 11: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame.



Democrat Party repudiating Rush Limbaugh:

Does Rush Limbaugh have the power to change Legislation?  NO.

Does Rush Limbaugh have the power to demand women have birth control?  NO.

So what is the problem?  Does the Democrat Party want the “fear factor” played?  YES.

Video Link

